Make Your Mark In 90 Days

It's time to be more consistent, get visible in a way that *actually* feels aligned, and deliver the impact you've been dreaming of.

You're a visionary living out your purpose in everything you do.

You’ve started building an impactful business, and even seen some growth. Your business is already changing lives.

And you’ve got plenty more ideas where that came from! You just get stuck sifting through and acting on all the best ones.

But it’s harder to escape yourself—you’re often paralyzed in idea mode instead of taking action, or feel scattered instead of showing up online consistently. Too many ideas, not enough focus, and perfectionism keep holding you down.

Or even worse, you’re struggling to communicate your vision and get people to make those big moves with you. If you’re not *crystal clear* on your end, it’s gonna be impossible for others to jump on board.

But...You've hit a wall.

You feel there’s no clear path forward. But you KNOW the world needs to hear about the vision you’re creating.

You’ve tried *all the Google-able and guru-y things* to grow your business and be more consistent. But as a visionary and innovator, the “best practices” don’t always work for you and the brand you want to build.

It’s a struggle to balance the high of an amazing idea and the low of leaving half-baked projects in your wake. You haven’t quite figured out how to put all the moving pieces together to get consistent customers that are the perfect fit.

When you see other purpose-driven founders make massive progress in the world through their business, you’re left wondering what you’re missing.

Your biggest business fear? Feeling boxed in. You’re not alone there.

I've been stuck too.

I’ve been too close to my business and the brand I wanted to build. I kept playing it small.

My time was tied up in client work that had me in the weeds, rather than actually amplifying the powerful missions I wanted to shout from the rooftops.

I was overthinking and caught in the daily grind instead of seeing the big picture—all of the vicarious impact I wanted to have by working with visionary founders.

Now, I’m a convert. I see how important it is to get perspective from someone who doesn’t live inside my head and heart all day. And that’s exactly the relief I offer my clients—strategy rooted in values and audience so that you feel grounded, not scattered.

Instead, imagine building the business of your dreams

It’s possible to get from where you are to where you want to be in your business without the stress, anxiety, and distractions that keep you from making progress. All those roadblocks have you missing out on customers and wasting precious time.

Instead, you CAN anchor your actions in your values and mission. Just take one step after another in the right direction.

You deserve to have a way to light the path forward that doesn’t stifle your creativity. You’ll need to:

Define your brand to *actually* move you closer toward your mission. Say goodbye to uncertainty, and a big warm welcome to clarity and direction.

Feel confident in your brand and your ability to make an impact from a place of alignment. Basically, everything you need to be yourself and choose the best places to focus your precious attention.

Create targeted content that attracts the exact people you want to reach and puts all those juicy ideas to good use.

Make your mark in the world without any fluff, too much time away from your already packed schedule, or rigid frameworks that don't work for your innovative spirit.

Ready to make your mark?

Make Your Mark In 90 Days is a one-on-one program for visionary founders who want to share their mission and message with confidence and consistency so they can inspire people to take action and join in their vision.

It’s not for the faint of heart, but neither is building a purpose-driven business, right?

"I desperately needed direction! Ashlee re-worded my thoughts in a way I would have never ever said or thought about. But as soon as she said it, I would say, "YES! Exactly! You put that so perfectly."
Crystal Simmons
Mindset Coach

You'll be primed for growth.

The Make Your Mark program combines two one-day intensives with quick-win consulting calls over 3 months, giving you a tailored strategy to make your vision a reality.

Seriously, it’s time to take things out of your head and into the real world. You know what your brand can be—now it’s time for everyone else to see it too.

We do this through some deep work together and flexible guides that suit where you are and where you want to go.

The program nuts & bolts

1 quarter. 3 months. 12 weeks. 90 days.

However you want to look at it, let’s break down what you’re in store for.

(Spoiler alert: it’s gonna be good.)


✧ Lay the foundation with a Brand Messaging Strategy VIP Day — a full 1-day intensive that defines and refines your brand so you can feel proud every time you talk about it.

✧ A Consistency Checklist to put your new messaging into action everywhere your brand shows up. (Hint: You can *literally* copy/paste the core messages we co-create during our brand messaging intensive.)

✧ 2 bi-weekly, 1-hour Quick-Win Consulting Calls for *empathetic* accountability and troubleshooting. No more getting lost in the day-to-day tasks or overwhelmed by all the new ideas that have bubbled up.


✧ 4 weekly Quick-Win Consulting Calls to bring all the head-in-the-clouds strategy back down to Earth. This is your time to either get into the nitty gritty details or piece together the big-picture vision in order to maximize your energy and potential impact.

✧ A co-created action plan to guide you after our time together.


✧ Keep the momentum going with a Content Marketing Strategy VIP Day — a complete 1-day intensive that maps out how to reach and retain your audience through aligned content. It’s not about being in all the places, it’s about being in the right places with the right message.

✧ A Content For Impact Workbook to plan and start creating content. We’ll also cover the best ways to re-purpose content so you can produce once, share over and over.

✧ 2 bi-weekly, 1-hour Quick-Win Consulting Calls for—you guessed it—more accountability and planning. I’m in this with you!

  • When you pay for the full program upfront, you’ll receive a personalized website audit to show all the holes in your brand story and how you can leverage the new brand messaging strategy to connect with your ideal customers.

investing in making your mark

Let's Talk Dollars

These 3 months of one-on-one strategizing are available for $7,500.

You might be thinking: Hmm, that’s a big leap of faith. Yep, you’re right. I want you to be fully committed to the program and to doing what it takes to have a brand that shows up consistently and in alignment with your vision.

Plus, many group programs cost this much or more. Instead, you get my undivided attention over an entire quarter. I’m right there alongside you on your journey.

You can choose between making your full commitment upfront (and receive that bonus website audit!), or you can pay in 2 installments—half to reserve your spot and the other half before we kick off Month 1.

And Time?

✧ Before each intensive day, you’ll also need to set aside time to reflect on a bit of pre-work—about 1-2 hours depending on how deep you dig.

✧ For Month 1 and 2’s intensive days, I’d block off ~2 hours at the start of the day, plus ~1.5 hours at the end. You’ll be free to rest or do your normal work in the middle of the day!

✧ Each Quick-Win Consulting Call is 1 hour long. So, carve out 2 hours each in Month 1 and 2, then 4 hours in Month 3.

✧ And then you’ll need to budget calendar space for any additional reflection, as well as time to implement items on your action plans. The last thing either of us wants is for all this intentional strategy work to die a slow death in the depths of your inbox. It should be living, breathing, and supporting your growth!

You're *beyond* ready to grow your impact. Now what?

1. Fill out the application to make sure we’re a good fit. This is also your opportunity to ask any questions or request a connection call to make sure we’re on the same wavelength.

2. If we’re aligned, I’ll send over all the program details and an agreement so that we can get moving on scheduling and payment.

3. Get pumped. Come prepared to distill all your innovative ideas into something actionable so you can inspire your customers to join in your vision. You’re just 90 days away from clear, focused, confident ACTION.

"It’s like you shook the puzzle pieces out of my head, put the puzzle together, and placed it back in there—glued and framed so I never have to do it again!"
Marcia Sheehan

Shine bright.

If you’ve read this far, I know you’re searching for solutions to get unstuck. To be more consistent. To share your mission and message more broadly.

You’ve been living in a tangle of brilliant ideas. You might feel like you’re walking through a cloud of fireflies and it’s hard to see what’s in front of you.

Together through this program, we can hand-pick the brightest ideas, adding those fireflies to a lantern, in order to focus their energy and light the way forward.

Seeking out a strategy won’t put you into a box. Instead, it allows you to dig to the heart of what you value most so that you can adapt to any situation that comes your way.

You CAN have sustainable growth that feels right. You just need outside perspective to channel your vision and make it a reality.

You’re ready to reach your full potential as a purpose-driven founder. And the world is ready for the impact only YOU can make possible.

So, what are you waiting for? Make Your Mark.