I’m so excited to chat with Bola Sokunbi, 4-time bestselling author and Founder & CEO of Clever Girl Finance. Bola is a personal finance educator and speaker, a comp sci and tech employee turned media mogul, and a wife and mama of twins, which actually shines through pretty prominently in our interview.

I really appreciate her examples from both everyday life and from her massively successful entrepreneurial journey in relation to her values, her quest to leave a legacy of impact, and her personal development along the way. Ultimately, she encourages us to own what we choose to do and back ourselves up with knowledge as we grow. She advocates for using listening skills as a tool to get insight from data, our team, supporters, and especially the people we serve. And to care ourselves, even when we have tons of passions or responsibilities vying for our time and attention.

In this episode, we chat through:

  • How her vision to create a business of impact that reaches women at scale has stayed the same, but the methods have evolved
  • Excelling in the core tasks of being a mom and a wife first so she can show up as her best self in her business
  • Enjoying the life you’re living now because tomorrow is uncertain
  • Working in tech and liking the job, but feeling replaceable, so seeking life-changing work through entrepreneurship instead
  • Initially looking for meaning through blogging about money and goal planning
  • Sharing her story and learning from other women
  • Apply her values across everything she does
  • Saying no to letting life simply happen to her—choosing to be intentional instead by finding ways to change what we can control
  • Living life as a marathon, not a sprint
  • Accumulating the 100s of thousands of little steps and choices that make a life and business we can be proud of
  • Never achieving 100% of her goals, but celebrating progress she does make
  • Not building a business “out of concrete,” but aiming for malleability and the ability to pivot
  • Planning as your business and team grow so that the many tentacles you no longer solely control still align with your goals
  • Determining your non-negotiables, dropping dead weight, and setting aside what you can pick up later
  • Building out a personal support system as you grow