Stick with me on this analogy…

We have an air vent directly beneath the window in our bedroom. So, my husband had the idea to buy one of those plastic things that magnetize onto the vent and re-direct the airflow back into the room instead of up into the curtains.

Great, in theory.

But even the best intentions didn’t stand a chance against my baby and husband himself. They’ve each broken this plastic cover…multiple times.

And I’ve hot glued it back together each time. It still does the job. For now. But one more crack and I’ll probably need to abandon ship.

For me, this relates directly to business.

As business owners, we piece-meal offers, teams, and content creation. We find alternative solutions to client work, our tech stack, our outsourcing. And we call it quits on an idea or partnership when need be.

One of the biggest lessons we can learn in life and in business is when to stay the course—being consistently persistent and persistently consistent—vs when we need to acknowledge that something is broken, and we need to pivot entirely.

There’s no way of knowing for sure that your choice is the right one. But I’ve only recently fully realized that NOT choosing is also a choice by default. And one that almost never brings us closer to our vision.

We do have tools at our disposal though.

We can get outside perspective. We can create space to reflect. And we can trust that all our efforts are building toward something bigger than ourselves.

When we do a Messages That Matter VIP Day together, you tap into that perspective, reflection, and momentum. And you’ll leave feeling energized and ready to hit the ground running with direction so that your business (and brain) doesn’t feel quite so piece-mealed.

This brand messaging VIP Day is all about practice over theory. After our day together you’ll be ready to make real moves in your:

  • content creation (aka how to make your social media not feel “all over the place”)
  • decisions as a business owner (like who to hire and how to spend your precious time and money)
  • personal connections (including tough conversations and getting glowing reviews and referrals)
  • pitches for podcasts and speaking (because getting the word out matters)
  • offers and pricing (so that your marketing AND operations align with your values)

A lot of people feel that reflective work like defining your mission statement, values, and audience isn’t urgent. For solopreneurs and small teams, there’s always another fire to put out or another area to invest in.

But I’m here to tell you that dedicating time to your vision is urgent. Brand messaging strategy eliminates that constant self-doubt we can fall into. That analysis paralysis. That business-by-default-rather-than-intention loop.

So, what would you do if you didn’t doubt yourself? What would you have more of? What would be possible for your business and your impact?

If you have an exciting vision you’d like to bring to life/reality and message you’d like to share, let’s brainstorm via a Collaboration Call.

I hope whatever air-vent-cover-re-direction-thing you’re dealing with in your business gets fixed, replaced, or entirely reimagined soon. 💪💫


This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.