I’m so excited to chat with Creative Business Coach & Speaker Taryn Jerez of Go For It, Creative.

We talk a lot about getting out of our own way—with mindset, avoiding research rabbit holes, un-programming old conditioning, seeking purpose over perfection. Big stuff, but accomplishing it all by simply taking the little steps that add up over time.

She gives some really great examples about pivoting and seeing in order to believe—whether it’s reflecting on your past self and all the hard things you’ve made happen, or by surrounding yourself with others who make you feel inspired and motived and accountable.

This is an unedited transcript and the timestamps don’t match exactly with the final audio. Thanks for your understanding!

Hello hello and welcome back to the Purpose & Progress Podcast.

Today’s guest is Creative Business Coach & Speaker Taryn Jerez of Go For It, Creative. We met via direct intro from Jessica Randall of episode 41.

She is energetic, she is passionate, and she’s deeply committed to building a business that not only brings her and her family joy and income, but also one that translates to all her clients’ unique businesses as well.

We talk a lot about getting out of our own way—with mindset, research rabbit holes, un-programming old conditioning, seeking purpose over perfection. Big stuff, but accomplishing it all by simply taking the little steps that add up over time.

She gives some really great examples about pivoting and seeing in order to believe—whether it’s reflecting on your past self and all the hard things you’ve made happen, or by surrounding yourself with others who make you feel inspired and motived and accountable.

Be sure to download her 5 Mindset Shifts to Make More Money in 30 Days training. It focuses on improving both your pricing & sales strategy, but in a really human-first, reflective way. It’s linked in the show notes.


00:00:07.615 –> 00:00:16.615
Alright, Taryn, I’m so excited to have this conversation with you. First and foremost, let’s let everyone get to know who you are.

00:00:14.214 –> 00:00:22.214
What is your personality from any framework that you resonate with?

00:00:20.416 –> 00:00:26.416
So I’m going to go into the niogram framework here and I will say I’m in Instagram 3.

00:00:24.914 –> 00:00:26.914
Love it.

00:00:26.014 –> 00:00:33.014
And it is very on the nose for me. Like, which if people are unfamiliar, that’s the achiever.

00:00:29.865 –> 00:00:31.865

00:00:32.566 –> 00:00:47.566
I think in the positive ways and maybe some of the negative ways let’s be honest because getting over perfectionism can be a little tough sometimes for me and just like remembering when just slow down and that productivity is not like a measure of worth at all.

00:00:47.066 –> 00:00:53.066
But definitely like ambitious have to be the helper. Went to a bridal shower this weekend.

00:00:51.365 –> 00:00:57.365
I was the first one who’s like, let me help cut the cake. Let me, oh I can write down, am I in the wedding party?

00:00:56.123 –> 00:01:02.123
Absolutely not, but I was like, hey, where can I be helpful? Like, that’s my love language also, so.

00:01:02.664 –> 00:01:05.664
Definitely, definitely that part of me.

00:01:04.165 –> 00:01:17.165
Yeah, with any personality, you have to take the good with the bad, right? Because those strengths also come with, you know, quote unquote weaknesses and if we all have the exact same quote unquote strengths, it wouldn’t be interesting.

00:01:15.615 –> 00:01:24.615
It wouldn’t be useful. So love that. What? What about your current trajectory?

00:01:18.715 –> 00:01:20.715

00:01:25.915 –> 00:01:31.915
What’s your vision for your life and your business? And yeah, what can you share about where you’re headed?

00:01:30.715 –> 00:01:34.715
It’s funny because this is a question that I don’t know how you feel about this question.

00:01:30.865 –> 00:02:01.865
Where like even 6 months ago I would have had a completely different narrative. Like completely different and I think that plays a big part in like what I want my trajectory to look like at this point how I envision that is like I want something that leans into where we feel confident and Hold in the moment like I have been someone who had a very specific trajectory and a very specific vision and mission and all these things for so long and I just feel

00:01:40.414 –> 00:01:42.414

00:02:00.964 –> 00:02:09.964
like right now I’m just on the path of like am I consistently leaning into where I feel called in each season and like where I feel like.

00:02:09.465 –> 00:02:17.465
God’s pulling me and my husband and my little one and my business. And living like our best lives, not like.

00:02:17.914 –> 00:02:25.914
What’s defined by what we said we do or what I said I would do in my business or what other narratives are pouring into me.

00:02:25.165 –> 00:02:31.165
Like Am I genuinely on the trajectory of like I’m okay to pivot? I’m okay to adapt.

00:02:30.215 –> 00:02:45.215
I’m gonna do things that feel joyful and fulfilling long-term, not just like, oh great, I read something inspiring and so for the next 2 weeks I’ll be that way but then I’m going to go back to like Oh, I have to do this, so I’m not going against what I said I do.

00:02:40.215 –> 00:02:51.215
So I don’t know if that makes sense, but like. I just feel like I wasn’t as adaptable previously.

00:02:46.165 –> 00:02:57.165
Especially with my business and it’s been a really joyful season being a lap like allowing that for myself.

00:02:53.364 –> 00:03:04.364
Like it’s okay if things shift or change especially when I have a toddler and when things are a little different in life right now.

00:03:02.865 –> 00:03:17.865
Yes, and yes, that absolutely makes sense. And I love that you use the word joy that actually seems to be a recurring theme amongst a lot of my guests and not something that we always associate business and joy with, right?

00:03:14.064 –> 00:03:28.064
But if we are the CEOs of our lives, of our businesses, if we are stepping outside of whatever box we came from, right?

00:03:18.014 –> 00:03:20.014
Oh yeah.

00:03:23.123 –> 00:03:36.123
Most of us did not. Step into entrepreneurship straight out the gates, you know, either like right at a high school or right out of college.

00:03:34.015 –> 00:03:42.015
Most of us had, you know, JOB at some point and saw that we could do something differently.

00:03:34.164 –> 00:03:52.164
We don’t have to do things based on the status quo. And so that adaptability and that joy seeking feels so, so important.

00:03:46.865 –> 00:03:48.865

00:03:49.964 –> 00:04:09.964
And I also feel like that translates to the way you approach your client work and the way you create resources and yeah, I can absolutely see that hearing over and in that way you are consistent, even if you are adapting, pivoting.

00:04:06.765 –> 00:04:08.765
Oh yeah.

00:04:09.864 –> 00:04:14.864
Of course, we’re always changing. But that. That.

00:04:10.714 –> 00:04:32.714
And is, yeah, as entrepreneurs like, I feel like that’s a massive part of like the foundation of things, but then we don’t always like you said let it bleed into like the personal side or the long-term vision and I in the last few months I’m like I really want to make sure like as a business coach like am IA do as I say not as I do kind of coach or am I

00:04:33.315 –> 00:04:48.315
a practice what I preach kind of coach. And if I’m telling other women. Silence the noise and to kick in security to the curve and like go after what you what feels good not just what’s making money and like all these things like I need to also be doing that exact same thing.

00:04:46.565 –> 00:04:55.565
Yes, yes, integrity is one of my core values and I feel like that is what integrity is. So beautiful.

00:04:57.215 –> 00:05:04.215
What has been the one decision or experience that changed the trajectory of your life?

00:05:03.266 –> 00:05:20.266
Oh my gosh. Oh picking white and picking one is so hard. Okay so. Okay, this is funny because I probably would have said something A conversation that came up recently with someone is they were like asking what I did growing up.

00:05:09.465 –> 00:05:13.465
And you don’t have to, you can just share one and know that like there were a million that added up, you know.

00:05:20.015 –> 00:05:25.015
They’re like, oh, did you know you wanted to have your own business? I was like, absolutely not.

00:05:22.015 –> 00:05:33.015
Like, not at all. I was like, oh, I’m gonna be in like the apparel and and corporate and all that and guess what I did that and then it was not for me and I don’t my business.

00:05:32.866 –> 00:05:44.866
But I think something that genuinely changed how I viewed so many things is in high school. I was in marching band, which is how I met my husband actually.

00:05:42.966 –> 00:05:49.966
One time at Bandcamp we met and he’s been around now since I was 15, which is amazing.

00:05:44.765 –> 00:05:46.765

00:05:44.816 –> 00:05:55.816
But I was asked to be editor-in-chief of our yearbook, but I had 0 experience doing that at all.

00:05:55.215 –> 00:06:07.215
I had been in band, I’ve been in theater. Not a sports kinda gal. And My AP literature teacher was like, hey, I want to talk to you about this.

00:06:04.215 –> 00:06:10.215
But the big deal was like, I would have to leave band and that’s what I had done for 4 years.

00:06:10.115 –> 00:06:15.115
And that was a big like, okay, well. I that’s just what I thought I would do.

00:06:11.015 –> 00:06:13.015

00:06:14.466 –> 00:06:33.466
I already set like I’ve that’s just me like I’m in band I play saxophone like and was I really enjoying it probably not anymore but I felt like well my sister did that I’ve done this like is it okay to just change like that like and I was so interested I’m like I’ve never done this am I qualified to like just trust me like you’re a great writer.

00:06:32.366 –> 00:06:38.366
I think you’d be amazing at this. And I did it and it was terrifying at like, 17 to do that.

00:06:38.567 –> 00:07:00.567
And it changed literally everything. Like I don’t think I would have pursued marketing later on. I don’t think that I would have pursued being a writer and getting published and things like, I don’t think any of that would have happened if at 1617 I wasn’t like yeah sure let me totally abandon what I thought I was supposed to do and like be okay pivoting be okay I’m bracing something new and I

00:06:59.416 –> 00:07:08.416
found Friendships that I’m still really like their kids know my kids we live miles away and we still talk every week like just from being in your book.

00:07:08.617 –> 00:07:31.617
So it’s weird how like such a little thing in youth like carried over, but I really genuinely feel like that opportunity taught me so much in concrete ways, but also just in confidence and emotions and being okay with like being adaptable and stuff and being allowed to shift gears and like that that it’s okay to say no to something that you’ve like kind of outgrown.

00:07:30.816 –> 00:07:42.816
Oh, and that is so, relevant for a business conversation because we get so attached to our pricing to our audience niche to our offers.

00:07:40.766 –> 00:08:00.766
Oh, I can’t possibly get rid of this because one person a year buys it or it’s always been my bestseller and so I have to keep doing it forever and if it doesn’t bring us joy if it doesn’t bring us profit, if it doesn’t make an impact in our clients slides of whatever whatever measure of you know quote unquote success.

00:07:41.215 –> 00:07:43.215
Oh yeah.

00:08:00.215 –> 00:08:08.215
We feel we need to gauge it against. Then we do not need to hang on to things simply for the sake of it.

00:08:03.615 –> 00:08:16.615
So simply because being part of band was part of your identity doesn’t mean it always had to be, right? And it served its purpose.

00:08:14.816 –> 00:08:20.816
You know, you had friends, man, you met your now husband. That’s a pretty big win.

00:08:16.565 –> 00:08:18.565

00:08:19.915 –> 00:08:33.915
Yeah, but also trying something new. Being open-minded, my I have a core value of exploration and yes, it can absolutely lead to that shiny object syndrome.

00:08:20.115 –> 00:08:23.115
I mean, yeah, like.

00:08:33.066 –> 00:08:42.066
Or that squirrel brain or like, oh. Well, I could, this could lead to something.

00:08:39.065 –> 00:08:48.065
So I should just say yes to everything. Yes, we need to temper that, but. The idea of.

00:08:47.965 –> 00:08:55.965
Hmm, this might actually make sense. Someone has a vote of confidence in me. Which is like so, so huge.

00:08:54.916 –> 00:09:03.916
That permission giving from someone external is sometimes the exact push we need to realize the potential we have in ourselves.

00:08:56.665 –> 00:08:58.665

00:09:02.466 –> 00:09:16.466
So what a beautiful story and yeah even though it is you know a high school story. It is so, so applicable to us as business owners and visionaries of of our own life.

00:09:12.815 –> 00:09:22.815
Oh yeah, I think sometimes there’s things that happen so many years ago and then we forget but like when something’s hard or challenging or you’re nervous about pivoting or like.

00:09:22.466 –> 00:09:32.466
What if I like will I flourish or like should I just keep doing this or? We forgot like how many other times in our life we felt that exact same crossroads and guess what?

00:09:26.516 –> 00:09:47.516
Did it work out in those other times? Did it, did you overcome that? Did it feel good and we forget that and it’s like either at almost 35 I can stop and go okay at 1617 you made a huge change that was really scary and did it work out for the best absolutely and you did florish.

00:09:46.665 –> 00:09:55.665
So it’s nice to sometimes pause and go, how many other times have I been faced with this exact same challenge or insecurity or just worry?

00:09:56.116 –> 00:10:01.116
And it worked out. So why am I not going to think this next thing is going to work out too?

00:09:59.615 –> 00:10:10.615
Yes, and I recently have been prompted from someone else to sort of collect the data, right? Gather the proof.

00:10:10.265 –> 00:10:22.265
That something is true what do you know to be true is a question that has been asked to me and I think we can use that.

00:10:11.115 –> 00:10:13.115

00:10:20.665 –> 00:10:25.665
Exercise in a lot of what we do. Okay, what do you know to be true? I can sell something.

00:10:28.465 –> 00:10:42.465
Whatever your strengths are or your passions are what do you know to be true and how can you build a marketing plan, a network, systems work flow around that.

00:10:42.124 –> 00:10:52.124
And that proof of what is possible is so so important even if you are not a data person you don’t have to necessarily be in like the analytics of social media or your website.

00:10:48.616 –> 00:11:04.616
You can use. Qualitative life experience data to look at, oh, I have pivoted. And then I pivoted again. And actually, I pivoted again.

00:10:50.815 –> 00:10:52.815

00:10:57.166 –> 00:10:59.166

00:11:01.965 –> 00:11:08.965
And every time I was nervous, but I felt this way after and I’m feeling that inkling again.

00:11:09.015 –> 00:11:17.015
Maybe this is worth pursuing. Tapping into our intuition is such a skill and such a lifelong journey as well.

00:11:15.716 –> 00:11:27.716
Yeah, and it takes practice that I do think learning to take inventory of how you’re feeling in those moments or how you felt in past times or that helps you just have that like compass, you know, like I feel like I lean into that a lot.

00:11:26.615 –> 00:11:38.615
Yes, for sure. So speaking of compass and having guidance for me, values are the way to know exactly where you’re headed, how you want to get there, how you want to make people feel.

00:11:38.365 –> 00:11:47.365
So I’d love to know what are some of your guiding values and how have they sparked any specific actions in your business?

00:11:45.865 –> 00:11:54.865
Yeah, I have like 5 of them, but I would say the 2 big ones that come to mind, especially when you’re like, have they sparked action?

00:11:54.466 –> 00:12:11.466
Accountability and community. Massive for me. Not only in how I teach other women how to you know process their own things and how to build their businesses but for myself like that’s a big one that I know I need to step into that role and lead by is like having accountability.

00:12:10.266 –> 00:12:23.266
And accountability for me like It’s sparks action because it allows me to also link it to like integrity and link it to authenticity and making sure like am I showing up as mean.

00:12:23.265 –> 00:12:31.265
Am I making sure that the things I want to see happen and come to fruition? Do I have someone in my corner?

00:12:29.866 –> 00:12:50.866
Do I am I speaking those things out loud so I feel like there’s a sense of accountability because life gets busy and crazy and also a lot of noise comes in that makes us kind of teeter on like what we feel called to do or oh maybe I should be doing this instead or and so I feel like accountability’s big one and community like.

00:12:50.315 –> 00:13:13.315
Community is huge for me, whether it’s having clients. Feel a sense of community with me as a coach or in my membership community making sure that the women feel like they can genuinely open up and get to know each other and it’s not this like oh let me put my brand hat on and just be this person for this hour and then I’m like oh okay I’m lonely against like but really open up talk about

00:13:03.215 –> 00:13:05.215

00:13:11.966 –> 00:13:31.966
real things be okay if you’re ecstatic about something and you have a giant win to share with another woman in your community or if things are rough and you’re like listen I need a hot moment to just be on that’s like That’s so important and I know like community genuinely is the foundation I’ve built my entire business on.

00:13:30.615 –> 00:13:40.615
Because I could not do this alone, whether it’s helping gain knowledge and resources or referrals or just having that sounding board is huge.

00:13:40.216 –> 00:13:59.216
And it’s something that I encourage a lot because a lot of women will entrepreneurship is lonely man like I don’t it could be a really lonely journey and if you don’t have that community or accountability I just feel like I don’t know how I would want to keep doing what I’m doing if I didn’t have those things like pulling me in sparking me to take action and

00:13:46.715 –> 00:13:48.715

00:14:00.164 –> 00:14:03.164
to stay aligned with what I really feel called to do.

00:14:01.515 –> 00:14:11.515
Yes, okay, so many thoughts. First, the, your empower for profit collective membership will be linked in the show notes.

00:14:05.866 –> 00:14:18.866
So for anyone who is curious and with love and what what Tara was putting down, that’ll be linked in the show notes.

00:14:10.365 –> 00:14:12.365

00:14:17.215 –> 00:14:24.215
And but then also Yes, that outside perspective is so important. I write about that often. I have a whole podcast episode about that.

00:14:23.166 –> 00:14:32.166
I’ll link that in the show notes too. But this idea of we are so close to what we care about to what we do on the day to day.

00:14:25.815 –> 00:14:36.815
We are so close to the struggles and sometimes we’re so close to the winds that we can’t even see the winds.

00:14:31.065 –> 00:14:33.065

00:14:33.315 –> 00:14:50.315
So that outside perspective, accountability, that sense of community is so, so important and It is also about finding that right fit too.

00:14:48.516 –> 00:15:11.516
I talk a lot about empathetic accountability, so I am not the type of I know there are lots of coaches out there and I don’t identify as a coach but I know there are lots of coaches out there sort of like tough love all right like I’m gonna give it to you straight and I will give it straight but I will also Taken to consideration that there are so many factors at play and the way you

00:14:49.765 –> 00:14:51.765
Oh yeah.

00:15:11.415 –> 00:15:17.415
think about the world is going to be so, so different than the way I think about the world or the next person does.

00:15:17.215 –> 00:15:27.215
And so for me that empathetic element is really important really understanding that like yes it can be obvious and not easy.

00:15:22.414 –> 00:15:24.414
Oh, it’s huge, yeah.

00:15:24.215 –> 00:15:37.215
It’s like it can be clear and also so super challenging. So I really can feel all of those elements that you just mentioned.

00:15:26.664 –> 00:15:28.664

00:15:38.364 –> 00:15:43.364
In the way you talk about how you show up and how you interact with your clients.

00:15:41.916 –> 00:15:52.916
No, I love that I literally just grabbed a pen and wrote down it can be obvious but not easy that is such a like That’s huge because it so often we do feel like, well, duh.

00:15:52.315 –> 00:15:57.315
Like, oh, this is of course what I’m supposed to do. Doesn’t mean it’s easy.

00:15:55.465 –> 00:16:08.465
Doesn’t mean it’s like, doesn’t mean it’s like oh okay now that I know the answer I’ll just do it it takes time it’s hard sometimes and you need people in your corner whether it’s just cheering you on or like you said sometimes you do need that straight shooter in your corner.

00:15:56.864 –> 00:15:58.864

00:16:09.915 –> 00:16:18.915
But like not all communities created equal. And finding your right people, it’s that’s It just takes everything and it means everything.

00:16:16.566 –> 00:16:37.566
Yeah. Yeah. And also that right fit might shift too, right? Just like our audience shifts in our marketing, you might find a community that you love because of the group of people that’s in there at that time, you know, your cohort or because of the phase of life or business that you’re in and then your phase of life or business or the cohort.

00:16:23.266 –> 00:16:25.266
Oh yeah.

00:16:35.314 –> 00:16:37.314

00:16:36.166 –> 00:16:50.166
Might change or shift or the leader of the community has different priorities because they have changed and shifted and so It’s not necessarily about like finding something that will work forever.

00:16:48.123 –> 00:17:02.123
Again, it’s that adaptability. It’s that that ability to pivot and listen to what feels right now and for where we’re going and being open.

00:16:56.715 –> 00:17:05.715
To closing the book when it needs to be closed as well.

00:17:06.015 –> 00:17:11.015
I love that because it’s true. Stepping away from things is just as important as stepping into something new.

00:17:08.766 –> 00:17:16.766
Hmm, yeah, yeah, it really is. And for me at least, it’s the stepping away that’s a lot harder.

00:17:17.415 –> 00:17:27.415
Yeah. So I would love to know what has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned as an entrepreneur.

00:17:18.265 –> 00:17:20.265
Same, same. Like.

00:17:27.125 –> 00:17:38.125
And anyone who is a business owner is probably like, oh, wait, just one. There’s always entrepreneurship is just a mountain of lessons all the time.

00:17:33.516 –> 00:17:35.516

00:17:37.465 –> 00:17:49.465
I would say. Every all the time constantly going minute to minute. I would say a lot of the time we think What’s getting in the way of like our goals?

00:17:38.915 –> 00:17:43.915
It is a personal development exercise at all times.

00:17:50.315 –> 00:17:57.315
Or I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough resources, I’m not great at this one area.

00:17:55.415 –> 00:18:04.415
Like I don’t have the skill set for this, but like 99.9% of the time the thing that’s getting in the way is like us.

00:18:01.865 –> 00:18:11.865
Like we’re playing small, we’re showing up in ways that we’re not believing in ourselves the same way that we would for like a friend.

00:18:11.765 –> 00:18:17.765
Like the same way that I would be like, you need to be like a little delusional. You need to go after it.

00:18:15.865 –> 00:18:36.865
You need to think that there is no failure. That’s how I am with like a friend. But then with myself, it’s like, well, let me list out the reasons one through 10 alphabetically of like all the things that could go wrong or like well I could possibly do this or who do I think I am to go after that or There’s so many voices and narratives that like play in our head sometimes and we think

00:18:36.317 –> 00:18:53.317
it’s all the other stuff getting in the way but like It’s so easy to let our goals get sidetracked by what other people are doing or by those past voices that made us feel inferior like Just telling us what isn’t feasible instead of going, what if?

00:18:52.565 –> 00:19:06.565
Or if she can do it, why can’t I? And that’s a big lesson for me because I think for a long time I did do that narrative of like Well, that’s, of course she can do that.

00:19:06.315 –> 00:19:13.315
Of course that business is rocking this. Of course they could step away from us or step into this or but like that’s not for me.

00:19:10.915 –> 00:19:18.915
Like I don’t belong at that table. Or like I can’t even afford a ticket to the seat at that table.

00:19:18.065 –> 00:19:25.065
Like that’s how I felt and it was such a lie. And it kept me in this place of waiting.

00:19:23.916 –> 00:19:32.916
And I eventually you just realize like We need to be a little delusional. We need to have the audacity to believe in ourselves.

00:19:31.016 –> 00:19:44.016
We need to go out after things because every single person that you are like fan-girling over on Instagram or these businesses that you’re like wanting to put on your vision board because you’re like, oh, if I could only get there.

00:19:43.165 –> 00:19:51.165
Guess what? They did the same thing. I guaranteed they had question things. I guaranteed that they felt small at sometimes.

00:19:49.365 –> 00:19:56.365
They held themselves back. And a lot of the time it’s like A lot of us, oh god, I wish I had done this sooner.

00:19:56.516 –> 00:20:07.516
I wish I believed in myself sooner. And it’s it’s really hard, but I feel like once you start to see that and like push yourself You’re like, oh my god.

00:20:06.715 –> 00:20:15.715
Well, what if I had been doing this from the beginning? Like why? Why did I wait so long or like why don’t I ask for that or like Just do it.

00:20:13.215 –> 00:20:22.215
Have the audacity to ask for what you want to put yourself. Get, grab a seat at that table, ask someone for a seat at that table, do the things.

00:20:20.765 –> 00:20:32.765
And it’s easy to hold ourselves back and not even realize it’s happening. But when you have those moments and you’re like, oh my god, like look what happens when I do push or when I get out of my comfort zone or I believe in myself.

00:20:31.715 –> 00:20:41.715
Crazy freaking things have been like really amazing so I feel like it sometimes takes us longer than we want to to learn that lesson.

00:20:33.965 –> 00:20:37.965

00:20:39.615 –> 00:20:44.615
And it’s not one that once you learn it, I think it’s just like, oh, okay.

00:20:45.965 –> 00:21:03.965
Like, that’s great. Now I’m just amazing and I do all the things before I’m ready and I do things scared and know it like you have to relearn it over and over again I think but when you do believe in yourself and you hold yourself up high like you would for a friend or a client or it’s like it makes a world of difference.

00:21:02.165 –> 00:21:12.165
Yes, and That’s the hard part about entrepreneurship is Things are always changing. We are always changing.

00:21:10.265 –> 00:21:33.265
And so we do have to learn these lessons over and over with each new phase with each new setback with with each new I don’t know maybe you just added a team member for the first time or maybe you just added a whole new offer suite for the first time and all of a sudden, -oh, it’s not quite as easy as it was for the last 6 months or 6 years or whatever it is.

00:21:22.716 –> 00:21:24.716

00:21:29.816 –> 00:21:42.816
2 questions I really love. That I’ve sort of seen around the internet and have been prompted to me are What would it look like if this was easy?

00:21:41.716 –> 00:22:02.716
And what would I do if I weren’t afraid? And those can be really, really powerful. Maybe, maybe, maybe not, you know, take it for what it is, but, to turn around that to simply ask ourselves that in like when faced with Do I post this today or not?

00:21:44.514 –> 00:21:46.514

00:22:02.516 –> 00:22:14.516
Those types of deep reflection and again ideally with outside perspective to validate us to give us push back to have a sense of community around us to hold us accountable.

00:22:08.415 –> 00:22:27.415
But questions like that can be really, really powerful in getting out of our own way. Yeah, cause we are really good at just putting the brakes on everything we want and need in life.

00:22:09.114 –> 00:22:11.114
Oh yeah.

00:22:25.716 –> 00:22:30.716
No, it’s so true. And I love the fact that you said like ask yourself those questions.

00:22:30.265 –> 00:22:39.265
Sometimes like remind yourself be honest with your answers. Like, be really honest if it was easy. What would that be like?

00:22:39.316 –> 00:22:49.316
You know, like get down to it because sometimes we’re gonna go, oh, well, but it’s not easy or like, well, you come up with excuses, but like, be really honest with yourself.

00:22:49.818 –> 00:22:54.818
What if this was the thing that worked out? What if this wasn’t credible and there weren’t so many things holding me back?

00:22:54.666 –> 00:23:16.666
Yeah, for sure. So given your expertise and experience in business coaching and even marketing. What sort of tactical tip do you have for fellow business leaders, women who want to step up in their own right and be known for whatever it is they want to be known for.

00:23:14.865 –> 00:23:28.865
Yeah, I think a lot of the time My encounter with other women entrepreneurs or my clients. Sometimes there’s that fear of like Yes, the world wants us to be authentic, but like to a degree, right?

00:23:27.765 –> 00:23:41.765
Like how authentic are we talking? Like people want to see me buttoned up and in my expertise and in my authority and yeah they do but guess what it’s also okay to show up a little imperfect.

00:23:29.620 –> 00:23:31.620

00:23:41.465 –> 00:23:52.465
None of us have it all buttoned up all the time. I absolutely don’t. I, 100%, I’m like, I am an imperfect woman leading imperfect woman in their imperfect businesses.

00:23:51.865 –> 00:24:00.865
All the time and that’s okay it doesn’t mean my authority isn’t as amazing it doesn’t mean that I can’t completely transform another woman’s business.

00:24:00.265 –> 00:24:21.265
But I think sometimes we’re afraid. To be overly authentic and to share what might not be the pretty side of things or what might be going on that’s a little difficult and I’m not talking about like show up on Instagram stories and just cry into your camera and air your dirty laundry and like no or share something that feels too close to your chest right now.

00:24:19.766 –> 00:24:27.766
Absolutely not. There’s a time and a place and each of our comfort levels is going to be different with what that imperfection sharing looks like.

00:24:28.516 –> 00:24:43.516
Good. Don’t forget, like, in your content strategy, in your marketing, you want to seem human because you are like in your marketing you want to seem human because you are like people connect to other people people buy from other people so while we might feel like people connect to other people people buy from other people so while we might feel like everything needs to look stellar and people buy from other people.

00:24:41.916 –> 00:24:48.916
So while we might feel like everything needs to look stellar and amazing all the time, it’s okay to show up and just talk about things that are going on in that season of life.

00:24:45.465 –> 00:24:59.465
It’s okay to show up and just talk about things needs to look stellar and amazing all the time, it’s okay to show up and just talk about things that are going on in that If I very strongly feel like in vulnerability is a value in my business, especially in the last year, like I’ve really leaned into that more.

00:24:57.765 –> 00:24:59.765

00:24:58.465 –> 00:25:06.465
And I’m like, if I am showing up. Only in my perfect self with my clients, I am doing a massive disservice.

00:25:07.216 –> 00:25:18.216
Because how like you can’t be what you can’t see like I’m huge on that and it’s like if you were only showing Your customers and your clients, everything is 100% perfect over here.

00:25:16.765 –> 00:25:25.765
I’m flawless. That doesn’t feel super relatable. It feels almost like, again, they’re looking at someone like intangible, like, oh, well, I could never do this.

00:25:23.865 –> 00:25:41.865
Or like, I’m not, I absolutely have failures or I have things that don’t go well or I’m late to this or whatever and it’s like Even the fact Ashley and I both when we logged in for this interview we talked about sometimes relate to things because we’re moms and we have businesses and things go crazy and it’s like just that alone as Ashley being the host.

00:25:31.516 –> 00:25:33.516

00:25:41.265 –> 00:25:47.265
It’s just, it’s relatable. It’s like, oh, okay, like it gives me a source of comfort and relatability and reflection.

00:25:47.515 –> 00:25:57.515
So just little things sometimes don’t feel like you have to hold everything so tight. It’s okay in your marketing and in your content to open up about the things and it can be a past.

00:25:57.815 –> 00:26:08.815
Failure maybe that you can use as an example. It can be something, a lesson that you’ve learned that you’ve grown that you know your audience could relate to and honestly a lot of the time not even a lot.

00:25:59.317 –> 00:26:01.317

00:26:05.415 –> 00:26:17.415
I’ll say almost every single time you open up about those things. You will be amazed at the engagement and authenticity that your like audience reflects back to you.

00:26:18.665 –> 00:26:24.665
That they open up about things that maybe they wouldn’t have felt comfortable sharing if you had a been the first one to do it.

00:26:23.316 –> 00:26:45.316
That latter part, that permission giving by leading by example, I have found that to be so true in the last year or 2, especially on the personal side, but even with entrepreneurs, especially with mama entrepreneurs, anytime you have any sort of deeply personal challenge.

00:26:36.915 –> 00:26:38.915

00:26:43.215 –> 00:26:54.215
And again, even even if you never ever ever want to step foot into the personal realm, you don’t want to share health issues, you don’t want to start share relationship issues, you don’t want to talk about your family.

00:26:53.266 –> 00:27:13.266
You, you do not have to in any need in any way. You can absolutely still share. Challenges or even just again frame them as lessons learned, frame them as However you want to approach it and most importantly however your audience wants to receive it too.

00:26:53.765 –> 00:26:55.765
Yeah, and that’s okay.

00:27:12.124 –> 00:27:20.124
Right. I had a podcast episode about how this podcast is pivoting and a lot of people were like, oh, this is so interesting. Thank you so much.

00:27:18.716 –> 00:27:30.716
I had no idea even what factors go into changing something like a podcast and even if they have no intention of ever being a podcaster.

00:27:30.416 –> 00:27:49.416
It can be interesting and useful and motivating to see someone else go through something. And then we can translate that for our lived experiences, our values, our vision for our own lives and Also, I really appreciate that you mentioned.

00:27:49.115 –> 00:28:13.115
I am a huge advocate for only sharing once you have process like sharing especially on the internet maybe if you have a private community maybe if you have a one on one call you can be even more raw even more vulnerable but on my about page episode.

00:27:49.265 –> 00:27:55.265
Yes, you can talk about hard things, but they don’t have to be things that you are processing now.

00:27:55.514 –> 00:27:57.514

00:28:12.515 –> 00:28:21.515
I will think that in the show notes I have sort of like how much is too much to share of my personal journey and things that are triggering.

00:28:19.966 –> 00:28:28.966
For other people. Maybe don’t share that. Things that you have not processed yet. Absolutely do not share that yet.

00:28:26.266 –> 00:28:33.266
Oh yeah, there’s there’s a quote that I really love and it’s like share your scars not your wounds.

00:28:29.814 –> 00:28:31.814

00:28:33.316 –> 00:28:46.316
And that was huge for me because there was a time my husband I were dealing with a lot of infertility and different things and it was not at the in that moment in those seasons I was not prepared to share that I was not.

00:28:34.127 –> 00:28:36.127

00:28:49.866 –> 00:28:55.866
I don’t want my audience knowing about that. It was so deeply personal and it was something, it was just very difficult where now I’m not a place.

00:28:51.366 –> 00:29:11.366
Obviously I have my little miracles on and we are so blessed and it’s something we’re like now that I had time to cope with that trauma I had time to dissect it I can talk about it in a keynote I can share things I can talk with other clients and bond with them over these things where Sometimes when something is really raw.

00:28:56.515 –> 00:28:58.515

00:29:10.316 –> 00:29:17.316
You might feel like, well, that’s an opportunity to share and bond and maybe someone else out there.

00:29:20.965 –> 00:29:26.965
But you may not be ready. That may be something where it feels too deeply personal in that moment, and that’s OK.

00:29:25.565 –> 00:29:26.565
Yeah, and you have to know

00:29:27.565 –> 00:29:29.565

00:29:27.765 –> 00:29:40.765
And again you have to know your audience right because if you showing up crying on Instagram or what I would literally never do that in a million years, but I know some brands do and that their audience loves that and it gives them permission to do the same, right?

00:29:36.365 –> 00:29:46.365
So know yourself. Know your audience. Accordingly. Experiment a little if you need to find that perfect balance.

00:29:39.914 –> 00:29:41.914

00:29:47.815 –> 00:29:59.815
And again the balance might shift as you become more resilient or as you become, I don’t know, maybe you get some hate online.

00:29:56.165 –> 00:30:06.165
To button up a little bit like whatever it is, know yourself know your audience but always be true to who you are, what you’re learning and.

00:30:07.065 –> 00:30:08.065
Most importantly.

00:30:07.515 –> 00:30:15.515
Yeah. Oh, thank you for prompting that conversation. And related to that. What?

00:30:08.815 –> 00:30:11.815
Will serve your people.

00:30:10.664 –> 00:30:12.664
Yeah, that’s huge.

00:30:17.066 –> 00:30:27.066
Something you wish you had known about? Business building, entrepreneurship. Putting yourself out there creating a business you love. Whatever

00:30:26.715 –> 00:30:37.715
Yeah. I think if we look back at baby business Terran. Like up early in the morning working before I dragged myself to my corporate job.

00:30:27.615 –> 00:30:31.615
Sort of vein you wanna take, what’s that you wish you had known before you got.

00:30:37.065 –> 00:30:45.065
I was looking at all the courses. I was reading blog posts on YouTube. I was on Pinterest.

00:30:43.365 –> 00:30:50.365
I was like, I’m going to learn the exact way to do this. I’m going to master starting this business.

00:30:48.266 –> 00:30:55.266
I feel called and purposeful and like this is gonna be great but guess

00:30:55.767 –> 00:31:10.767
You can only consume so much information before you actually start creating. Like there has to be a point where you’re like, I’m gonna do this my way and that you understand that there isn’t just one way to build your business.

00:31:11.865 –> 00:31:15.865
There isn’t just one way to grow or scale or whatever your business. You see women hitting.

00:31:12.569 –> 00:31:27.569
6 figure, some figures, all these things and you’re like Okay, well how did they do that? Well, guess what?

00:31:18.867 –> 00:31:33.867
How they did that may not be how you want to do that or it may not fit your That’s something like when you first step into an industry or you’re stepping out of a previous job or corporate career.

00:31:33.165 –> 00:31:41.165
You’re so used to like these systems and these processes and entrepreneurship. It’s not really like that.

00:31:40.316 –> 00:31:49.316
There’s, you know, you can get all the guidance and things, but something that I’ve come across a lot is with clients having to help them.

00:31:47.765 –> 00:32:04.765
And understand like they’ve been burned. By other information in the industry. Where they were told this is how you have to do this if you want a successful marketing strategy if you want to do email marketing if you want offers like this is how your pricing has to be or how this has to be and I could not do that.

00:31:55.215 –> 00:31:56.215

00:32:05.165 –> 00:32:13.165
Or like I didn’t have the time or I felt like I was just failing constantly because I could do this a poke 5 posts today on Instagram, whatever it is.

00:32:10.965 –> 00:32:19.965
And it’s like helping people dissect that and unpack and be like. Guess what? I know someone was feeding that too, but it’s not true.

00:32:18.665 –> 00:32:29.665
We’re allowed to build our business however the heck we want. Were allowed to understand that what works for her may not work for me and even if it did I don’t want it that way.

00:32:28.865 –> 00:32:35.865
You know, like it’s okay and I think sometimes we get bogged down by everything we’re seeing.

00:32:30.564 –> 00:32:32.564

00:32:34.665 –> 00:32:44.665
And there’s so much information like from the moment we wake up and we’re scrolling you know there’s just so much information on like the quote-unquote right way to do something.

00:32:44.216 –> 00:32:52.216
And I just don’t want anyone feeling less than because their journey or their process or strategy doesn’t look like that.

00:32:52.515 –> 00:33:01.515
Like it’s you could get the same kind of result if you want them you can get that same kind of result doing it the way that feels more aligned with you in your life.

00:33:00.315 –> 00:33:09.315
And that’s That was just something like I wish I had understood that earlier on and I probably would have seen the things I wanted to see sooner.

00:33:07.465 –> 00:33:13.465
If I had let go of that expectation.

00:33:13.316 –> 00:33:38.316
Yes. And I am absolutely one of those people that gets. Sucked down the research rabbit hole of like, well, let me just Learn as much as possible or if I if I know enough then I can’t possibly do it wrong or you know I just need to know one more thing before I can actually do it and that is actually like one of the least generous ways to build your business.

00:33:23.666 –> 00:33:25.666

00:33:33.365 –> 00:33:55.365
It is so much more generous to simply try and Get a a client, you know, whether they are paying, whether they’re a beta price, whether they’re a full price, like whatever, get a client, get a real person on the receiving end of whatever it is you’re creating.

00:33:48.065 –> 00:33:59.065
If it’s an offer, if it’s a newsletter, if it’s a podcast, whatever it is.

00:33:49.865 –> 00:33:51.865

00:33:55.365 –> 00:34:08.365
And see how it makes them feel. See how it impacts their lives. And then you can iterate from there based on feedback from a real person.

00:34:08.116 –> 00:34:17.116
And yes, if you need to learn a skill, If you need to learn how to use a software, if you need to learn something, go do it by all means.

00:34:14.514 –> 00:34:16.514

00:34:15.016 –> 00:34:40.016
I am not anti education, but I am absolutely pro. Confident meaningful action and So often we hide behind the research phase quote unquote and never take the action and also I feel like if you listen to or read things about you know entrepreneurship and and visionaries.

00:34:35.265 –> 00:34:46.265
You’ll hear sort of that you know, ideas are a dime a dozen. It’s the person who implements that.

00:34:46.215 –> 00:34:55.215
That matters, right? There could be, you could have the best idea ever. And if you never build it, if you never put it out into the world.

00:34:48.466 –> 00:34:50.466

00:34:54.815 –> 00:35:12.815
It will only be an idea, right? And someone could have a much Yeah, I could have someone could have an inferior idea and make a lot more impact or a lot more money or be the spark for a much better idea either of their own or someone else’s.

00:34:58.415 –> 00:35:00.415
Yeah, it’s not worth anything.

00:35:12.365 –> 00:35:19.365
That is how the world goes round. And so yeah, the action taking is so, so important.

00:35:19.565 –> 00:35:21.565
No, I love that reminder.

00:35:21.765 –> 00:35:33.765
So actually that leads directly into my next question, which is what what additional advice do you have for women to take confident meaningful action in their lives in their businesses wherever it is that they’re showing up?

00:35:34.165 –> 00:35:44.165
It’s it’s easy to say stop second guessing or oh just go for it and just do the thing and it’s literally bidding my business go for it.

00:35:42.816 –> 00:35:59.816
It’s we want that action right but sometimes it feels so big or scary or far away And I just want you to know like if you’re listening right now and you can think of that big scary goal, maybe it’s something you haven’t said out loud to someone else.

00:35:43.664 –> 00:35:45.664

00:35:57.466 –> 00:36:06.466
Maybe it’s that thing that every year you put on your vision board and then you’re like another year of adding it because I still have been so nervous like it just seems so big.

00:36:06.365 –> 00:36:15.365
You don’t need to know how to get from like here all the way over to here. You just need to take one step.

00:36:13.666 –> 00:36:34.666
Just 1. One step and that little step will grow and grow and grow like how Ashley just said like maybe it’s getting one client maybe a trying to bait around of your program with 3 people getting some feedback even from friends on something posting before you’re ready and sharing about what’s coming even though you don’t have a name, a price or description.

00:36:34.215 –> 00:36:43.215
Just start talking about it. Build buzz around the thing. Get support, but like surrendering that fear, taking a tiny little action.

00:36:43.365 –> 00:36:55.365
Understanding more about yourself and like what are the triggers that slow you down or what are the things that happen again and again that you’re like that’s what keeps getting in the way or getting in my head or what is it?

00:36:53.266 –> 00:37:02.266
How do we strive for purpose over that perfection? Like how do we do those things? But I think concentrate on like what is that thing that you cannot stop thinking about?

00:37:02.117 –> 00:37:19.117
What’s one step that you can do, like literally after done listening to this? That would put you in that direction, whether it’s asking someone for coffee that you can pick their brain about the thing that you want to do or asking some of an opportunity being able to just share finally that this is something I want to do.

00:37:17.565 –> 00:37:24.565
Sometimes that’s a step. Like, I don’t know, Ashley, if you’ve done that like, seriously just telling another friend or my husband or something like.

00:37:23.366 –> 00:37:37.366
Want to do this that’s a that’s a big step sometimes for us So I think just just that like take that one singular step and let it be enough to fuel whatever that next journey looks like.

00:37:39.065 –> 00:37:45.065
But have confidence that it’s okay to just do that one thing right now. And that’s gonna start this whole journey.

00:37:43.215 –> 00:37:56.215
Yeah. And that voicing allowed can sometimes make it more real. It can sometimes make us accountable. So for my new setter, for example, I put it off for ages and ages.

00:37:54.516 –> 00:38:01.516
I was like, oh, it’s too hard. It’s gonna take too much time. I don’t know what I’m gonna say all the things and then I committed to it and I said, all the things.

00:38:00.066 –> 00:38:18.066
And then I committed to it and I said, okay, I’m committed to it and I said, okay, I’m gonna show up every other week and then every other week we turned into every week and it is something that I have been utterly consistent with almost with without fail like even when I had my daughter I think I took off like a week or 2 and I was like, get back on the newsletter

00:38:16.815 –> 00:38:31.815
train. I just love it so much and that idea of I said I’m going to do this and therefore I will do it for some of us for some of our brains that is so so powerful.

00:38:20.265 –> 00:38:22.265

00:38:26.015 –> 00:38:39.015
Some of us need more hand holding more very specific accountability. Some of us simply need yeah again to write it down.

00:38:37.665 –> 00:38:48.665
Voice it out, even no one else see that. Just accountability to ourselves of this is a real thing that I actually want to make happen.

00:38:47.915 –> 00:38:57.915
But yeah, all those little steps add up. So, so much, not necessarily quickly, but they do always add up.

00:38:56.565 –> 00:39:12.565
Yeah. So for everyone who is loving this idea of purpose over perfection and taking those small steps and being in community and all the things that we have talked about today.

00:38:58.865 –> 00:39:00.865
But they do add up.

00:39:13.714 –> 00:39:15.714
How can they connect with you?

00:39:13.867 –> 00:39:20.867
Yeah, so if you head over to Instagram, I’m on there daily just sharing all the things.

00:39:16.765 –> 00:39:25.765
It’s go for it, creative, spelt out.

00:39:26.015 –> 00:39:33.015
So if you’re on there if you listen to the show and there’s something you have a question or you’re just like god, this really resonated.

00:39:30.265 –> 00:39:31.265
That’s my

00:39:30.865 –> 00:39:36.865
I love hearing that kind of stuff. Like when I say community is a big value of mine, like I will be in those DMs with you.

00:39:37.766 –> 00:39:44.766
So Instagram’s great if you want to check out the site just go for a creative. Calm that’ll also lead you over to the Empower for Prophet.

00:39:44.465 –> 00:39:49.465
Collective membership and all the different things that got going on over there but I would love to connect to listeners.

In this episode, we chat through:

  • Remembering when to slow down and that productivity is not a measure of worth
  • Making choices based on where we feel pulled in each season
  • Mixing adaptability with joy
  • Pivoting in high school and seeing that as evidence of future adaptability
  • Leading with accountability and community
  • Acknowledging that stepping away is just as hard as stepping into something
  • Making excuses about not having enough, when really we’re getting in our own way
  • Discerning how to show up imperfectly and vulnerability by sharing your scars not your wounds
  • Not needing to know how to get to the end of a big scary goal—just needing to take the next step