It’s safe to be visible.

It’s safe to be you.

In fact, it’s essential.

When you’re the face of your brand, the direct service provider or coach or course creator, the human that personifies what your brand stands for, it’s super important for your “you-ness” to shine through.

Make it known what your values are and what you care about. Show why you care so much about your work and the people you serve.

Be as “real” as possible. (Which does mean determining which parts of your true self to share and weave into your business, while discerning which parts are just for life outside of entrepreneurship. You get to decide where that line lives.)

***Psst: read this blog post I wrote about showing your personal side withOUT sacrificing your privacy.

And if you have a background (an identity, an industry, a family situation) that has made you play small, hide yourself, water yourself down, or otherwise put a cap on the fullness that is your whole self—this is your permission slip to be visible.

Visible on YOUR own terms. In alignment with YOUR values. As a means to the vision YOU have for yourself, your brand, and the world around you.

The beauty of building your own business is that you get to decide what you offer, who you work with, and how you do it. You get to find and create the safe spaces where you’re able to flourish.

And one of the best ways to do that is through values-aligned brand messaging. So that everything you put out into the world and all the decisions you make are rooted in your values and propelled by purpose.

Because people are hiring you, they’re buying into your vision and point of view and methodology. You owe it to them to be the truest version of you.

And you owe it to yourself.

So, if you’re ready to refine your presence online—your bio, About Page, homepage, social profile, etc—then join me for a free About You Audit on October 12. You can submit your piece ahead of time, or hop in live.

The About You Audit is always super fast-paced, dynamic, supportive, and collaborative. It’s the perfect way to inject fresh energy and perspective into something that’s either old and stale, or that thing you’ve been mulling over WAY too many times on your own.

And like I said, it’s free…so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. See you there!

*This idea about visibility is directly inspired by Episode 170 of Jereshia Hawk’s podcast.


Toward Purpose & Progress,



This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.