If you’ve been around a while, you know I’m very into small personal choices we can make to create larger systemic change. And one of the biggest ways this shows up is in how I shop—including for groceries.

I don’t use plastic produce bags, I bring my own grocery bags, I buy in bulk when I’m able. The basics, right?

The last time I went to the store, it was just to pop in for 1 thing, but I ended up with a cartful. (Can anyone else relate?) So, my bags were in my car. And at checkout, I just asked the guy to put my items back in my cart so I could bag them in the parking lot.

He nodded knowingly saying “Oh, you’re that type.” And I unabashedly replied, “Yep, there’s enough plastic in this world, just doing my part.”

(PS: Love that I have the excuse to use “unabashedly” in a sentence.)

He wasn’t unkind, but he also wasn’t non-judgmental. But that’s ok. Because I’m proud that I care. I’m happy that it was clear that I stand for something.

And that’s what I want for you and your business too.

Not everyone will get it. Or agree. That’s sort of the point.

By standing up for your values, you stand out.

And standing out in all the best ways is what happens when you put together all these visibility tools we’ve been talking above over the past couple weeks. When you align your audience and introduce yourself with intention, the next step is to take values-aligned action as you get more and more visible.

And again—visible on your own terms.

Not doing x y z because someone said you should—the pitch-y webinars, the IG Lives, cold DMs with templated scripts.

Sure, you could make income claims and you’ll get lots of eyeballs on your post, but is that the person you want to attract? Maybe. But maybe not.

When you have a way to audit, evaluate, reflect on your values, every single decision in your business gets easier. Because that’s basically your job as CEO, right—make tiny and medium-sized, and giant decisions all day every day.

And that’s what we’re doing together at the Values-Aligned Visibility Momentum Meet-Up on September 20.

I recently was talking to a social entrepreneur who is NOT driven by making money. But she’s been basing all her decisions on how to allocate her time based on what will bring in the most revenue. And it’s been making her feel really misaligned and unmotivated.

She’s only wanting to make a profit because that money is needed to make the products and pay her workers and fund the social projects the company was created for. It’s the people who are her motivation, who keep her going.

So by tapping into new ways to live out her values (including building a sense of community), she’s able to discern what’s a good use of her time, energy, creativity, and the money she DOES have.

We can still be “successful” with a human-first, life-first business.

Kids busting in the room, pets getting sick, checking your phone at all hours of the day (or leaving it off for hours at a time).

If we take the time to establish, define, and apply our values, we’ll always be on the right track.

(Especially when we combine that with an empathetic consideration of our audience and an intentional message behind the work we do.)

So, if you want to get Values-Aligned Visibility in your business, join me for our third (and final!) Momentum Meet-Up on September 20. Combine it with our September 6 and 13 session, or sign up with a single work-along.

Whatever you need and want is yours to claim and commit to.