PSA for all you [fellow] high-achieving, “recovering perfectionist,” people-pleasing, ambitious visionaries out there…perfection is a myth. Buzzkill, I know.

But purposeful progress is a worthy goal.

Your brand, your audience, and your messaging (which connects your brand WITH your audience) will constantly need tweaking. As soon as you “get it right,” something will shift.

That can be frustrating. Or you can embrace the evolution.

And one of the biggest lessons we learn as entrepreneurs (and parents and community leaders and decision-makers and adults in general…) is knowing when to stay the course and when to pivot. Our gut tells us that.

There’s strategy in following your intuition.

And it’s not cheating to get a little bit of outside perspective along the way. In fact, one of the best ways to gut check ourselves is to have our ideas reflected back to us. Hearing it from someone else somehow peels off those rough outer layers and gets to the heart of it.

A fresh pair of eyes, honest feedback, and “wow, never-would-have-thought-of-that” perspective can do wonders.

Instead of tackling all your marketing, business-building, and strategic planning all alone, lean on someone you trust to get that momentum started AND keep it going.

For that new offer you’ve been sitting on.

That content you’ve been putting off.

That website revamp you’ve been itching to start.

Messaging Momentum is perfect for you to take confident, meaningful action. It’s asynchronous (aka not schedule-dependent), collaborative (aka supportive & dynamic), and totally action-oriented (aka brings strategic thinking down to earth and puts it out into the world). You get access to my brain, insight, and whatever resources I can share with you all month long.

Book a free Collaboration Call to chat about how we can co-create your messaging—from the big picture vision to the tiny tweaks and everything in between.


Toward Purpose & Progress,



This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.