I’m not a fan of being vulnerable. At least not outside of entrepreneurship.

I prefer aiming for perfection. Which I’ve learned (veryyyy slowly) doesn’t help anyone.

It’s better to get whatever you’re working on OUT in the world. So that it can still guide people along on their journeys as you refine your own path.

And it’s actually more generous to allow time and space for feedback from the people you want to reach so that you can either meet their needs better, or make something even more aligned for future customers just like them.

For me, it’s the ultimate sign of confidence to share as we go.

Not because we know everything. Not because it’s perfect. But because it’s intentional, public progress.

You can share via IG stories, in private communities, via your newsletter (like this!), or anywhere you and your people like to show up and grow together.

My goal through my work is to take and encourage confident, meaningful action. Mostly through figuring out how you want to show up, what you want to be known for, and how that’s reflected in your messaging.

So, I’m hosting a free About You Audit on August 17.

It’s time and space for to share your About Page, homepage, social profile, personal bio—whatever you want—amongst conscious and caring business owners like yourself.

I give my honest, first impression feedback. And everyone in the room can chime in with supportive comments too. Because we’re so close to our own story, it’s always helpful to get outside perspective.

And if you can’t join us live, just send me a link ahead of time and I’ll review it in the room with everyone else, then send a replay for you to watch on your own time.

Sign up for free. Sign up in search vulnerable, imperfect opportunities for confidence.


Toward Purpose & Progress,



This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.