Perspective, choices, and AI…

Let’s go down some rabbit holes about decision-making and creating and how we view the world. This is an amalgamation of things I’ve read, thought about, and discussed with peers lately.

(Hopefully these different angles give color and texture, rather than feeling like they’re all out of left field. As always, take what’s useful, leave what’s not, and adapt to your own brain and business.)

1️⃣ A change in perspective…

When you go on a walk with a kid, you point out a million things you wouldn’t otherwise notice or care about. (Or, I do at least.)

Look, a bunny statue!

Look, bright red berries on that tree!

Look, really shiny numbers on that mailbox!

You show up and see the world differently because of who you’re in company with. Because of the experience you want to create for them. Because of the things you want them to learn or be able to articulate.

The same is true in business, both as the person creating a brand and a vision, but also as you receive feedback.

Perspective (aka positioning in marketing and creating a supportive network for yourself in your business backend) really does matter.

2️⃣ Choices, choices…

If you’re a questioner, a researcher, an overthinker, a multi-passionate, an ADHDer, really just a curious human, you’re probably drowning in an ocean of options and advice. (Or you have been at one point.)

And not only is the sheer mass of information and opportunities available to us overwhelming, it’s often even contradicting.

Good news: there’s never only one path forward.

Bad news: there’s never only one path forward.

Our job in making decisions or in presenting solutions (aka marketing/sales) is to see or show the options.

Choosing no is always an option—what are the ramifications (positive or negative)?

We can make a leap or a big investment (even when it feels like a stretch or scary)—what’s the risk and the potential payoff?

And reminder (which I so often need myself): NOT deciding still ultimately tilts the scales toward the status quo, but with a whole lot of hemming and hawing and self doubt in the meantime, or regret for not seizing an opportunity once it’s past.

3️⃣ The order of AI…

I was reading an Ann Handley newsletter and reminder, I’m a total AI noob. But I loved this concept and wanted to share. She wrote:

“We have it backwards.

The first draft is the thinking draft. That’s where you need to be fully present. On board. Just you and your glorious ideas.

Otherwise, you undermine yourself. You shortchange your growth and creativity. You put the ROBOTs first. You put yourself second.

The first draft is the thinking draft. (Said twice for emphasis.) Protect the part of you that truly makes your content, your writing, your voice your own.

Why? Because otherwise and over time, your skills will atrophy. You will doubt yourself more. You will build a dependency.”

I loved this reframe on how/when to use AI. But I know it’s controversial—let me know if you agree.

The Gist

All the above ideas separately, combined, and everything in between are why I’m such a huge fan of outside perspective.

That feedback and insight and validation from someone you trust, but who isn’t in your brain and body and business backend all day, every day can make a BIG difference in how you view your copy, offer suite, audience, partnership opportunities, etc.

This is why I (and my clients) LOVE Messaging Momentum.

It’s a month-by-month thought partnership and co-creation container. It’s super flexible based on your workflow, capacity, work hours, needs, etc.

Whether you’re:

✔︎ finally revamping your website or welcome sequence

✔︎ or launching a new offer

✔︎ or have a ton of content and job descriptions you want to put out into the world

✔︎ or anything else where you’re communicating your ideas…

It’s so SO useful to have someone by your side and in your Google Docs.

Because when we’re writing and creating and building a business ALL ALONE, things fall through the cracks. Your brain gets tired. You feel unmotivated to simply start.

And whatever you create just isn’t as good as it could be with someone else as our copy editor/thought partner/messaging strategist/cheerleader. ( ⇐ That’s me. Or whoever you find that aligns with you.)

So, if you want to welcome me into your corner, I’d love to be there. You can see all the Messaging Momentum details here, but we can always chat about it too!

Rooting for you!

This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.