Insight from my favorite clients that YOU can use

This was supposed to be an archive post (per my Project Push plans). But rules are meant to be broken, right? And I couldn’t resist sharing a few insights from the AMAZING past clients I chatted with.

The context…

I recently hosted a “Survey Social” with some of my favorite clients who all entered my orbit and worked with me in different ways.

It was so cool to have them share resources with each other, potentially connect with new collaborators, and get a peek into what makes them tick so I can work with MORE ambitious and thoughtful women entrepreneurs just like them.

Here are a few things they shared that I think could be relevant for you too.

1️⃣ The power of simply staying top of mind.

Immediate sales and cash injections are great. But (especially with service providers, coaches, and consultants), marketing and relationship-building take time. Often, lots of it.

And staying top of mind is such an overlooked benefit of staying consistent. (More thoughts on that idea here.)

Even when it feels like no one is reading your emails or seeing your social posts. Even when you feel weird talking about your offers (again) or when you forget a “snappy CTA” and just stick to convos in the DMs.

It all adds up.

And when the right-place-right-time situation crops up, you’ll be thankful to your past self. And the best part: your client will be thankful to you for being available, visible, and clear, as you stuck with them for the long-haul.

2️⃣ My social presence doesn’t really feel like me…

This was a tough pill to swallow that also immediately resonated with me.

I sort of struggle with my social content creation. Part of me loves it because I can crank it out, check off the box, see the full body of work unfold. (Helllllooo, dopamine.)

But the bigger part of me doesn’t feel motivated to post—yet again—only to receive 7 likes and 43 views. 🫣

And yet (partly for the point above), I feel compelled to keep posting. And I’ve talked about how I’ve completely shifted my social strategy over the past few months to ONLY focus on the podcast. If I wasn’t “converting” leads or customers anyway, why not stretch my long-form content in this way? But then it’s even less about me and what it’s like to actually interact with me, and more about ideas I feel are worth sharing…

So when my clients very emphatically and unanimously said that my feed doesn’t feel as “cool” or relatable as a real conversation with me, that was a big red flag.

And it’s not that I’m fake on social. (Or heaven forbid, “inauthentic.”) It’s just that it’s not conveying who I am as a person and practitioner in order to speak to the real, live human and business owner I want to reach on the receiving end.

So, I’m pondering how I can show more of me, or at least more clearly show the parts of me that feel relevant. Without the singing/dancing/lip syncing/pointing/whatever trend that really really isn’t it for me. (More of my thoughts on how to share parts of yourself without sacrificing your privacy here.)

I’m also thankful to have some insights from the marvelous Cyndi of Ascent StoryCraft—a long-time client, business friend, and future podcast guest—to guide me in the coming months. More to come…

3️⃣ I recently started using the term “conscious and caring leaders” to describe my clients. The verdict: it doesn’t resonate with them at all.

Our messaging and own personal jargon is tricky to balance, right? (Even more thoughts on jargon here.) We think, xyz is so clever, or so cool, or so clear. And then it’s NOT on the receiving end.

I thought my focus on values-aligned decisions and messaging translated to people wanting to become known as leaders—whatever that means to them. Turns out, that word feels corporate and constricting and masculine and not at all like my perfect-fit people. Oops.

Instead, they resonated more with being visionaries, solopreneurs, founders, or simply a business owner.

So all that to say, experiment, but then get real feedback from the people who matter most. Outside perspective. Validation and empathetic accountability. Until you find what works for you AND your perfect-fit people.

That is, until the next time it morphs. (As it inevitably will.)


So anyway, this Survey Social was such a fun meetup to host and I’m so thankful for the insights my clients shared. Highly recommend you do something similar!

I also totally welcome your own experiences with any of the above—either what’s worked for you, any gaps you see on my end, what you’d want me to talk more about etc.

And of course, if you want to become one of the clients I come to know and cherish, book a free Alignment Call so we can chat about how your vision and values align with my offers.


This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.