I was on a walk thinking about the value of brand messaging in your business (as one does) and all these powerful words came to mind. Bonus: they all started with the letter “c”.

And take your pick, because wow…brand messaging does it all! You might say it’s the complete package. (See what I did there?)

If you’ve ever heard me talk about brand messaging strategy and wondered “do I need this,” “why would I want this,” or “what’s the point,” this will shed some light on everything brand messaging does for you—the visionary—AND the business you’re building.

Aligning Your Brand With Your Message

From mindset to business-building elements, establishing your brand messaging strategy brings you exactly what you need as a conscious and caring business owner. You get to decide how your brand messaging and brand values manifest in the world depending on your impact goals, your vision for your business, and the vibe of your brand. Where will you begin?

calls to action: When you’ve taken the time to determine who your audience is and what you want to be known for, it becomes so much easier to direct them to the next step.
camaraderie: Leading with your values means you’ll attract the people who “get it” (and understand your vision!) and repel those who don’t.
care: We inject so much of ourselves into our business and we make decisions with so much intention—having solid brand messaging showcases all that care and attention.
change: If your goal is impact and transformation, your brand messaging not only explains that change, it also fuels it.
character: Every brand is made up of a special je-ne-sais-quoi combo of elements. You’re able to step into and express your truest self (as a brand or a founder) when you establish your brand messaging.
charisma: Convince, charm, and otherwise impress the people who interact with your brand by being firmly rooted in your messaging.
choice: You have so much more flexibility and a lens through which to make decisions once your brand direction is defined.
clarity: While many of us know that confused shoppers don’t buy, we often forget that confused business owners don’t make the best decisions. Brand messaging clarifies and conveys exactly what you want to be known for and how you want to make people feel. NOTHING makes a bigger difference in business than clarity does.
clients: Clear messaging converts visitors into clients and peers into partners. Simple as that.
collaboration: What’s the best way to know whether a partnership is the right fit? Check for alignment on values, audience, and messaging—all things that are validated via solid brand messaging strategy.
comfort: A thoughtful brand strategy allows you to share your message with ease and reassures others that they’re in the right place.
commitment: Another two-sided perk of brand messaging strategy: not only are you more committed to the vision you’re working toward, your clients and partners are also more loyal to your brand.
communication: The main goal of your marketing is to communicate who you are as a brand, what you offer, why, how, and for whom. Brand messaging answers all these questions in a way that’s both specific and unique to you.
community: One of the best ways to rally people is to position yourself around a cause you both care about—whether that’s the values you share, the transformation you offer that they want, or anything in between, you’re able to create a sense of belonging through clear messaging.
complexity: Defining your brand messaging strategy leaves so much space for nuance and exploration, depth and breadth. Where will you go next once you have a clear focus in your business?
confidence: Knowing how to talk about your business and who you’re targeting is game-changing. Brand messaging strategy is the boost you need to go out and grow your business with confidence and in the exact way that feels right to you.
connection: When you know what you want and where you’re headed, you’re able to seek out people on the same path and connect to them on a deeper level.
conscientiousness: Brand messaging strategy relies on awareness of self and others. This allows you to consciously grow your business and your impact.
consideration: The brand messaging strategy process is deeply reflective and allows you to resonate on multiple levels with the people you want to reach. Consider your ideal audience, yourself as the founder, your team, your partners, your shared vision and values, and where it all intersects.
consistency: Nothing fosters trust faster or maintains that precious relationship better than showing up consistently. In terms of cadence, voice, vibe, message, and all the other elements of a public presence, consistency is key for sustainable growth and impact.
continuity: Creating a business is a constant evolution, but as your brand and audience shift, your brand messaging strategy serves as the common thread. At the same time, your brand strategy acts as the flexible but familiar jumping off point for each new iteration.
conviction: With focused brand messaging, you’re putting a spotlight on everything you care about and stand for. That strong conviction comes through in everything you write, do, say, and create.
copy and content: The words on the page make an impression just as much as (or more than) the visual elements of your brand. Having core messages to pull from makes writing copy (or speaking!) and creating content so much faster, more effective, and consistently on-brand.
courage: Building a business from scratch and standing up for what you believe in isn’t for the faint of heart. But having your brand messaging strategy and a powerful “why” to lean on gives you the courage to keep going.
creativity: Defining your brand (including your audience, values, and core messages) doesn’t box you in—instead it opens the door to infinite creative freedom. This way, you have an intentional source to draw from so that you’re not constantly starting from square one.
credibility: When you consistently show up in a way that sounds and feels like the brand you want to build, you’ll be seen as more credible and trustworthy to prospective clients and partners. (No wishy-washy business owners here!)
curation: Select only the most relevant and compelling content, partnerships, offers, and more when you’re clear on your brand strategy.
curiosity: Explore your own curiosity and pique your ideal customers’ when you know what you want to stand for and how you want to stand out.

Choosing The Right Direction For You

So, which of these words is something you want more of in your business? How would embodying these concepts make showing up, selling, and stepping into your CEO-self easier? What could you do if you dedicated yourself and your brand to a specific direction?

Download the free Stand Up To Stand Out Kit to start your brand messaging brainstorming, go for the Live Out Your Brand Values Self-Reflection Workbook to take things to the next level, or reach out if you want empathetic accountability along the way!

PS: Send me an email if you’re a fellow word nerd and you either A: love alliteration as much as I do or B: miss these old school word clouds!