Ahh jargon. The love-to-hate-it-can’t-seem-to-shake-it words that sneak into our copy and conversations.

Writer and marketing leader Ann Handley explains, “Jargon and buzzwords are the chemical additives of content: You can use them from time to time. One or two used sparingly might help. But add too many of them and the whole thing becomes toxic.”

In most cases, speaking in PLAIN language or adding personality-packed turns-of-phrases is going to go so much further than using the same buzzwords you see all over the internet.

Think about your ideal audience…

Are they wanting to “level up,” or are they seeking something more specific and personal?

Are they “burnt out,” or are they drowning in a sea of admin they didn’t sign up for when they started their business?

Are they “converting customers,” or are they building real relationships with real people?

When you add jargon, yes, it can show you’re part of the industry—an insider who knows how to use words of the trade. But it can also quickly creep into conformity, making you fade away into the marketing and messaging abyss.

Instead, focus on your unique voice. Your unique values. Your unique audience’s language.

Inject THOSE words into your copy, content, and conversations. That’s how you’ll stand out.

As you sit down to draft something new or review your existing copy, remember: Clear is kind. Intentional is appreciated. And values-aligned is memorable.

And if you want to spot-check your copy on the jargon-meter, brainstorm alternative ways to talk about what you do and why it matters, or chat through ideas your ideal audience would resonate with, we can do a Quick Win Consulting Call together.


This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.