So often, we can feel a lack in life, in business. Like we’re behind. Like we need more. (Time, money, connections, ideas, whatever.)

But when we reeeeally sit down and reflect, we’re almost always better-resourced than we thought.

Our resources come in the shape of:

  • Our past work. The act of repurposing content is literally re-sourcing where our content is coming from and how it’s working for us. (Love a good play on words and a good content double-dip, don’t you?) Even better if you have your thought leadership archived and accessible via a content bank, email templates, swipe copy docs, etc.
  • People in our network. Referrals are gold. Appeals to our community open so many doors. Conversations in passing can lead to massive contracts. And the magic really happens when you go into all of the above with generosity and zero hidden agendas.
  • Hours or tools we’re already paying for. For example, I didn’t realize I have a built-in session with The Eco Helper (who are amazing) that comes with our monthly retainer…and I’ve only used it once. 😳 Can your tech stack stretch further? Would your casual text group between business friends be the source of perfect market research? Did you sign up for a course or community but never actually go through it?
  • Extracurriculars. That workout class or walk might bring you the BEST business idea. That nonprofit committee you’re on might lead to the next phase of your business. That mom group might be home to your future co-founder. Do the things that enrich your life in order to enrich your business.

And it’s not about buying all the things to have, but not use. It’s about looking at what we already have and pulling out what we need and want in this moment in order to move forward.

But sometimes we’re just too close to it all to even see what’s right in front of us.

That’s why I’m a firm believer in outside perspective and why my 2 favorite ways of working with multi-passionate overthinkers come in the form of space-holding, idea-generating, and empathetic accountability. (I call them Quick Win Consulting Calls and Messaging Momentum. Check out both or let’s chat to see what aligns best with your brain, budget, and business.)

***Speaking of resources, I’m choosing my next scholarship winner at the end of the month! Make sure you (or your clients you love!) submit your info HERE before I choose. It’s super quick and you get a discount code to work 1:1 with me just for applying!


This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.