Why is “clarity” in business such a buzzword?

Direction without being boxed in

*If you’re more of an audio person, I have a super similar podcast episode you can listen to here! Otherwise, read on!

Ahh, clarity. The elusive idea that so many coaches, courses, and programs promise. And something that I talk about often since it’s a word my own clients use in their feedback about our work together.

So, why is “clarity” such a buzzword? Because it’s something that makes running a business so much easier, but is honestly pretty hard to nail down. At least for me. And a lot of the deep thinking, action-taking people I work with.

So many of us are accidental turned intentional entrepreneurs, which means we might not have had a clear vision when we got started. We just had an urge, or an inkling, or sometimes even a necessity. (Looking at you, COVID layoff businesses that are now thriving.)

Or even if we did have clarity in the beginning, we’re humans working with other humans in an interconnected world, so our business is bound to evolve.

I’ve found that the best way to stay on track, but flexible, and have a sense of direction, but not feel boxed in, is through values-aligned brand messaging strategy.

Let me explain. But first, let’s back up.

Hopefully by now, you know that I do values-aligned brand messaging strategy with conscious and caring leaders (like you!). Which means I live and breath it. But I know some people hear that Charlie Brown teacher when I string those words together.

So first, what is brand messaging? It’s the recognizable way your brand shows up in the world. Brand messaging fills in the details of all the big-picture blanks, like:

  • Audience: who you’re showing up for
  • Brand Values: how you’re showing up
  • Mission: why you’re showing up
  • Vision: what you’re showing up to create

And there are 2 main ways to build a brand that connects.

  1. Start with your vision, then amplify your message to reach your ideal audience.
  2. Start with the specific people you want to reach, then adapt your vision around meeting their needs.

Regardless, clarity is key.

Values-aligned business

Next, that values-aligned element. That is your how. It’s how you show up, how you make people feel, how you address important conversations, how you make business decisions.

Your values are that essence, the undercurrent that controls, or at least informs, everything.

Finally, let’s talk about why brand messaging is so important. When you invest your time, energy, and intention into your brand messaging strategy, something special happens.

You start thinking about your business and your purpose in new ways. You show up in a way that’s consistent and clear. And you’re able to step into your brand message with confidence, no matter the context.

Clarity in business

Ok, back to the concept of clarity and how it relates to brand messaging. Getting clear is inherent to the brand messaging process. We take the time to capture everything that’s been swirling around your head and heart. We get it out on paper, we speak it out loud. This is so important because then we can see what’s recurring, what’s fuzzy, what needs to be picked apart or elaborated on, what clearly lights you up when you talk about it.

Then comes the distillation process. Actually defining your brand elements and putting your unique spin on the concepts you care about, your expertise, and the people you serve.

Because how many times have you had the question, “So, what do you do?” and didn’t know how to answer it? Or you started talking about your amazing business and got a blank stare in return, even though that person would have been a perfect client.

(***If you haven’t already worked through my free Visionary’s Guide To Elevator Pitches, now’s the perfect time to fix that problem.)

When you’re clear on your message, what you stand for, and where you’re going, it makes everything easier. It makes drafting website copy and sales emails and social captions faster and more focused.

And that clarity is reflected when you put your brand values in action. It’ll happen organically because they’re so core to what you talk about and how you run your business.

Having these core values not only makes what you talk about and how you talk about it really clear, they also make it super clear for people on the receiving end. It’s about how you make people feel. And it’s about them picking up what you’re laying down.

Your brand messaging also makes decisions about how to spend your time, who to invest in, what conferences to attend to much quicker.

Think about where your audience might be, what they care and talk about, and how you can get in on the action. Same thing for getting in the same room with peers you could collaborate with.

And if you have a team of employees or contractors or collaborators, you’re able to get them on the same page through brand messaging so that you’re all moving in the same intentional direction.

The beauty of a brand messaging guide is that it’s all spelled out on paper, ready for you to hand over.

Think: onboarding employees, cross-referencing job descriptions or sales pages, sending to your copywriter or graphic designer or web designer to pull from directly, even sending to your business strategist or systems pro so they know what it is they’re working so hard to align to.

Values-aligned brand messaging strategy gives you clarity to make business choices on your own terms, and clarity on what you’re all about to the people you want to connect with.

And you don’t have to craft this cohesive message all alone. I have an entire consulting ecosystem for you to access, no matter where you are in your business journey.

Book a free Alignment Call to chat through the best next step we could take together.


This is an excerpt from Toward Purpose & Progress, my newsletter where I share business tips, good news, shoutouts to Founder Friends, and other juicy snippets. Subscribe here for more rants, reflections, and resources.