Celebrating My 4 Year Business Anniversary

Just like that, my 4th year in business has come and gone. And while collaborating with and growing as a conscious and caring business owner has been a constant, many things definitely felt different this year.

Besides being a new mom (which, as we all know, changes everything), I also approached my business in new ways.

This was a year of many firsts and doubling down. It was a year of going deeper. And it was a year of finally “professionalizing” various aspects of my business.

So, in my 4th year of entrepreneurship, I focused on 4 huge areas of my business: structure, relationships, passive income, and content.

*Yes, this is about my personal business journey, but I always share in hopes of inspiring, validating, or challenging you on your own path.


I invested both time and money in the structure of my business. Namely systems and other let’s-make-this-more-legit activities. The goal was to replace manual, piecemeal, bare minimum methods with intentional, efficient, future-oriented solutions.

CRM Switch

I was using HoneyBook* before, but not to its full extent. Or even halfway. But something about it just didn’t quite jive with my brain.

(I still think it’s a great option for lots of people, especially more on the relationship management side than the workflow management side. Get 50% off using this link* or the code AshleeSang.)

At the start of this year, I wanted to get serious about using my tech stack better. So I decided to switch to Dubsado*. They have a REALLY good free trial that gives you time and space to explore and test before putting all your business eggs in a single software basket.

I also worked with a Dubsado-specific VA to set up my workflows and canned emails. This collaboration was a bit of a fail, not only because she didn’t end up cashing in on the VIP Day I owed her as part of our swap deal, but also because she wasn’t quiiiite the expert she positioned herself as. However, she was able to answer some of my questions, and more than anything, her slightly flawed setup showed me where I had holes in my workflows that I could then fill myself.

(Dubsado also has SUPER fast and friendly customer service…I email them often and they always get back to me quicker than I even have time to act on their advice. Use my discount code AshleeSang for 20% off your first month or year.)

I now use Dubsado to send proposals, invoices, intake forms, testimonial requests, scheduling links (for coffee chats, VIP Days, paywalled Quick Win Consulting Calls), and more. It also houses my referral partner program and I sell my conscious marketing templates via Dubsado. (More on both below!)

Systems Setup

I did a [much more successful] swap with Teresa of Systems First OBM. She created a 90-day strategy for me to capture SOPs, some big-picture visioning, and some work-week planning. Honestly, I didn’t adhere to the plans very well, but I did eventually complete nearly all the tasks.

This is the area of my business where I have the hardest time and still have the furthest to go.

I want a better (aka less manual) content repurposing system. I still need to record my SOPs to be able to hand off someday soon (or even just keep straight in my own head). And I’d love to explore Zaps or other integrations that make my life easier. I’m definitely not optimized, but I do feel like I made good progress.

CEO Mindset

I’ve found that even though I’ve always been a “self-starter” and thrived on new external challenges, I’m not awesome at holding myself accountable to my own goals and priorities. This is something I’ve come to realize in the past couple years and I’m actively rectifying this year.

One way I’m getting clearer on my goals and the tangible steps to get there is by investing in a VIP Day with Lexi of Pretty Decent. (We’re technically doing this in 2023, but I committed in 2022, so I think it still counts.) Basically, I need to be on the receiving end of the accountability, validation, and reflection that I offer to others through my work.

It’s been valuable to experience other people’s offers as a client. This shows me what I do and don’t like or want for my own offers. That’s how I came to know I don’t want to run a group program or create a course. (At least not anytime soon.) Basically, I don’t want anything where I have to herd people through something sequentially. But I do have an eye on how to create offers that reach more people at a time in a way that actually feels good to me.

I also did an ethical marketing certification through Alt Marketing School. (Use code ASHLEE to get a 35% discount*!). Even though I’m a marketer myself, learning about your craft from new perspectives both reinforces and stretches your own methodologies and approaches. (Read more of my takeaways from the experience here!)


For years, I thought I was managing my business books well. I had a Google Sheet that I updated diligently anytime money came in or went out. But it wasn’t giving me a big-picture view of how my business was doing on a month-by-month or yearly basis.

And it wasn’t easily managed by an accountant come tax season. (Which has been a saga and a half over the years.)

So when I had the chance to do a half-day swap with Laura of TulaBooks, I jumped at it. She’s a Quickbooks setup pro and makes your numbers actually tell stories about your business health.

Honestly, I still don’t enjoy doing my books and I’d like to outsource this entirely (eventually). I also don’t love the Quickbooks interface and it requires much more manual input that I expected. (I also think a free software like Wave could do the trick—I trialed it super briefly and thought it was too much work because it was free. Turns out, tech can only do so much…humans still need to classify and organize most of the entries.) But Laura set me up with a weekly and monthly routine that’s actually manageable.

Other Tech

I’m a huge Notion fan. And like all my tech, I feel like I’m only using the tip of the iceberg of its capabilities. But one thing I did this year was clean up some of my lists, notes, and databases. The aim is to house all my ideas and past links to newsletters, content I create and consume, etc. so that I can actually access and leverage it in the future. Again, I’m not fully optimized, but I’ve made progress.

My favorite Notion upgrade this year was my weekly planning method. I adapted Lexi’s setup, which basically automates what I had been trying to accomplish manually for years. I finally have a way to virtually bullet journal where I can shift my to dos and plans as I need to.


I’m thoroughly introverted (and have leaned into this identity more and more over the years of online business ownership). So it’s been a big surprise to me that connecting with other entrepreneurs is one of my favorite aspects of running my business. I love to hear their stories, see behind the scenes of their visions, and lift them up in whatever ways I’m able.

I’ve connected with a LOT of people over the years. Some one-off conversations, some that have turned into actual friendships. So this year, I wanted to formalize my business relationships. I did this in a few ways.

Referral Program

I created an official referral program this year! Modeled after Ashley of AHK Business Management’s, I use Dubsado* to onboard all my new referral partners. (See more thoughts about Dubsado above!) Basically, I promise to send back 10% of a new client’s first package fee to whoever refers them. It’s a good way to spread the wealth around and get in front of aligned and primed clients. I got to send 3 referral payouts this year and it felt so good!

The more I work with clients, the more I realize that values-aligned brand messaging pairs well with almost any online service provider. I’m talking the business coaches, systems pros, copywriters (obviously a match made in heaven), content creators, social media managers, website developers, graphic designers, etc. Because when your client is super clear on what they stand for, how they want to stand out, and where they’re headed (aka what brand messaging strategy delivers), your job is SO much easier.

If you work with conscious and caring business owners, you’re welcome to become a referral partner!

Joint Venture Content

Growing up, the phrase “group project” elicited long sighs and deep eye rolls. (Control freak meets eternally responsible makes for lots of extra work in most “team” settings.) But as an entrepreneur, collaborations have been a highlight.

For some reason, it’s less scary to go live, host a workshop, or create an offer when there’s a values-aligned partner by my side. We can share audiences, bounce ideas off each other, validate pricing and value propositions, and hold each other accountable. Wins all around.

So this year, I did multiple IG lives with collaborators. I facilitated tons of workshops, mostly where I was hosted in someone’s community. (Workshops have been my main email list building activity since 2020 and a small, semi-passive income stream. More on that below!) I also tested the waters with some blog post swaps (like these with Share Impact, Right + Good, Minty Made, and Red Lab Marketing).

The Founder Friends section of my newsletter is even JV content in a way. Occasionally I use it to share affiliate links (which supports my passive income focus below), but most of the time, it’s just shoutouts to cool people creating cool things toward a cool vision.

(If you can’t tell, this is my favorite part of my newsletter! And if you’re not already on the mailing list, you should be. I alternate rants and reflections with tons of business-building and feel-good resources every Tuesday. And I’m always happy to give you and your signature offer, exciting launch, or special event a shoutout—just email me!)


I mentioned a while back that I was in search of community. I was feeling like I’d maxed out a lot of the free groups I was part of and decided to give Yellow Co* a try. Honestly, I haven’t made as many connections as I wanted to—personally or professionally. But something about the community values and commitment to “creating meaningful work” has me on the hook for another year. In fact, in 2023 I’m doubling down and joining not only their Guidance Groups (peer mentorship), but also their annual conference.

I also found some great vibes via the Ecopreneur Community (it’s free and I love their digital clean up days) and The Green Marketing Academy’s networking meetups.

Lastly, I hopped into Melissa Froehlich’s The Uplevel Lounge Collective during a beta launch. This was more out of curiosity to see behind the scenes of a consultant-run membership. (Spoiler alert: I’m considering whether creating a container like that is in my future!) She had a deal where you got a free month trial, so I took it because her approach to business and consulting is values-driven and combines the practical with the intuitive. Not sure how long I’ll stick around, but already it’s motivated me to revamp my Stand Up To Stand Out Kit.

Passive Income

Passive income is that elusive goal we’re all after, right? Like many people, I’m not a huge fan of the term because I think it’s a misnomer, but I did actually make a few surprise-out-of-the-blue-zero-effort template sales. So that was truly passive.


Speaking of which, launching a mini template shop was a goal of mine this year. I wasn’t ready to go all-in as a digital product maven, (I’m still absolutely a consultant first and foremost), but I love the idea of offering a super accessible and affordable way to access my brain.

I have 2 paid templates available, plus my free values-aligned messaging kit. I tried a pay-what-you-want model at first. Because the checkout was makeshift (albeit fully functional) via Dubsado, people had a really hard time completing their purchase with the flexible pay option. And the adage that confused buyers don’t buy absolutely proved true. So now it’s an easy, flat $10.

I also sell a DIY version of my done-with-you half-day intensive to establish, define, and apply your brand values. It uses the framework I created and packages up the self-reflection process into prompts you can use on your own or with your team.

The main perk of having digital products in my toolbox is that they allowed me to participate in bundles or VIP upgrades for events. Having something “of value” to contribute opened doors to build my email list and my network of peers, which is something I didn’t foresee.

I will probably upgrade to a more official digital product delivery system eventually, as there are a few manual steps with my current setup. But since I was just testing the waters with selling digital products and having a small passive income stream, I was happy to find a way to leverage the tech I’ve already invested time and money into.

Affiliate Income

I also made (a little) affiliate income from being part of or promoting bundles, conferences, and partners’ programs. Yes, I have to write emails or posts, but I’m not creating or delivering anything. So it’s pretty darn passive in my mind.

I’ve thought about other ways to generate passive income—maybe specially curated advertisements in my newsletter, ad spots on my [soon to launch] podcast, etc. But before I dabble, I want to tread very lightly and make sure things feel FULLY aligned and not shady.


Again, speaking isn’t textbook passive income because I still have to create the thought leadership and show up. But for me, speaking still falls under this passive income umbrella, especially when I’m able to use one of my signature workshop decks.


Yes, content creation is a hamster wheel, but I actually really enjoy it as a creative outlet that feels like it contributes to improving someone’s business. So I did lots of content creation this year and hope to do even more in the future.

Social Media

I finally leaned into Reels after resisting for ages…and stumbling to find my style. (In case you’re curious, my style is low-tech, straightforward, talk-to-the-camera with educational or inspirational vibes. No pointing, dancing, lip syncing, trends, or trying to be funny involved.)

On LinkedIn, instead of just posting exactly what I posted on IG (which is what I did since the beginning of my business), I now repurpose resource blurbs from my newsletter. This isn’t the best I can do, but it’s what I’m comfortable committing to with the bandwidth I have. The goal is sparking conversation and generating a bit of industry thought leadership. (I’m not going for subject matter expertise on LI, like I do on IG).


My Toward Purpose & Progress newsletter is my pride and joy. (Also takes me back to my years of travel blogging!) I have so much to say and share as I continue to learn on this entrepreneurial journey. Which means my newsletters were getting VERY long. So in August, I started writing weekly instead of every other week.

If you’re anything like me, the LAST thing you want to do is pop into people’s inboxes too often. But no one complained about the increased cadence, unsubscribes didn’t increase, and people continue to hit reply each week to share their own thoughts and responses. I also polled my readers about the change first…a statistically insignificant number of people replied, but at least I put the idea out there before making the change.

This newsletter is the main way I promote affiliate income opportunities and events. It’s also the starting point for repurposing content. Not only do certain elements get pulled out and shared individually as LinkedIn posts, my “rant/reflection” weeks end up as blog posts on my website. This allows people to find me organically via SEO and connect with my approach to business on a more personal level outside of special events or sales pages.


While my podcast doesn’t *technically* exist yet, I’ve been ruminating on it all year. And after pages of notes taken from inspiration during long walks, I finally committed to launching a podcast.

With a poll to my mailing list and on social media, “Purpose & Progress Podcast” won by a landslide. I can’t wait to start creating this content.

And because I struggle with acting on my own priorities without any external pressure (and I know tech is a weakness of mine), I hired a podcast launch strategist—Andria of Mama Turned Mompreneur—to walk me through the process. Keep your eyes (or ears, rather) peeled!


I mentioned guest blog post swaps above. And I’ve been podcast guesting for years now. Neither of these have “converted” into paying clients the way I’d hoped, but they’re still part of my overarching marketing strategy because they combine thought leadership, relationship building, and the opportunity to build my email list.

Honing My Brand

While values-aligned brand messaging strategy comes easy to me for OTHER people’s brands, it can be tricky when it comes to my own brand. (This is the same reason I work with so many fellow marketing pros—they know how far clarity, confidence, and consistency go when building a brand they’re proud of, but they need outside perspective to hone their own message. There’s no shame in this. We’re just too close to everything in our head and heart.)

To that end, I sought out partners this year. Like the business strategist and podcast launch strategist I mentioned above. And like my first official brand photo shoot as a swap with a local photographer. The shoot was surprisingly fun, despite me being notoriously awkward in front of the camera. (Especially when I have to pose solo!) Honestly, I think becoming a mom helped me shed a lot of the insecurity I’ve carried my whole life. And being clear on my brand values and the way I want people to feel when they interact with me and my brand made the shoot a lot more focused.

Ultimately, I’m working toward becoming known as THE values-aligned brand messaging person. I still sometimes have people ask, “What’s your main offer again?” But ideally, I’ll get to the point where that’s never in question because the go-to association with my name and my brand is values-aligned brand messaging and everything that comes with it. (Check out this Reel for more thoughts and examples of being a go-to brand.)

What I Want More Of In 2023

I want to continue to build. To make purposeful progress. To take confident, meaningful action. Basically, to create and run a business that not only feels good, but also does good. (Pssst: in case you didn’t know, these aspirations I have for myself are the same I have for my clients!)

3 main ideas come to mind.


You can see how a lot of the factors I focused on in 2022 go hand-in-hand. Guest blogging hits content creation and relationship building. Some of my passive income came directly from relationships I’ve built and audiences I borrowed. They fit well from all sides.

And of course, I believe clearly established, defined, and applied values create more of this alignment—not only most effectively, but also with the most ease. (I re-established and re-defined one of my core values this year and it felt great.)

I want to use my values as a decision-making filter even more in 2023 and beyond. That said, I still sometimes have that pull to say yes to something just because someone asks. (Like a podcast interview or the “opportunity” to send a custom proposal.) But leaning even more heavily on my values allows me to resist that unhelpful urge.


Exploration is one my core values, which means it’s important to me to experiment while still feeling grounded and focused. (Which is where my value of intentionality comes into play. They balance each other—and my brain—out.)

My upcoming podcast launch will be a fun, creative challenge for me to explore a whole new medium while intentionally deepening relationships, not only with peers who I interview, but also with listeners.

And I’m already working on new offers, ways to scale (aka simply reach more people at once), tasks I can hand off, resources I can create, communities I can be part of. Basically, I’m open to opportunities that feel right.


I’m also really eager to see what comes of the strategic planning surrounding my offers. (With the business strategist I mentioned.) To me, the exciting part is the prospect of finding the best way to work with people for the most impact in their lives and in mine.

Already, I know that I want more resources sharing, facilitating, and teaching through my business. I’ve done these things well in the past. And I want longer-term relationships, but on my own terms. (NOT via a typical on-call, implementation-based retainer. But many of my clients are already repeat-customers within my current offer suite, so I’d love to find ways to keep working with them.)

After 4 years, I finally like a lot of what I’m doing. So I want to chart a clearer path and stick with it. (Yes, while still exploring, remaining open, and being willing to pivot.) When I feel momentum, either from tiny progress or big strides, I feel motivated to keep going. And at the end of the day, that steadfastness is one of the biggest factors of sustainable entrepreneurship.

What I Want Less Of In 2023

Sometimes we tell ourselves need permission to dump things we’ve committed to but don’t enjoy or aren’t good at. (I know I certainly feel this way.) So I want to give myself the time and space to do and have LESS of what I DON’T want.

Being In The Weeds

I used to take pride in being so hands-on with my business management. All the tracking, the moving parts, etc. But my mind has SO much to manage in my personal life between a baby, a newly diagnosed chronic illness, and a household to run. So it will be nice to offload more of that mental burden in my business as soon as I feel financially ready.

One way I’ve already done this is by having a virtual assistant take on a few admin and social scheduling tasks over the past year. And by having a house cleaner. (Which felt like a luxury I wasn’t ready for, and has been an absolute game-changer.) I want to prioritize staying out of the things I don’t personally have to do. So, more CEO and dream life creator, less disgrunted employee of my own business.


While I want more exploration and I’m not afraid of change or the unknown, I don’t want to operate from a place of uncertainty. There’s a difference. And this relates to both mindset and leads.

To me, this means feeling certain that I’m taking confident, meaningful action, even when I know the results aren’t guaranteed. And I’d like to have a more consistent (and fuller) pipeline of perfectly-aligned clients and other income-generating opportunities. Having more stable work hours by investing in some part-time babysitters will be really helpful so I’m able to plan out my days and weeks more strategically and less on the fly.

2022 Business Stats

For all you numbers and analytics-minded people, this part’s for you.

  • Grew my IG followers by at least 1.5x
  • Participated in 3 bundles
  • Did 7 guest blog post swaps
  • Took part in 9 IG live collabs
  • Interviewed on 9 podcasts (+2 that will be released in 2023 and 2 summit interviews)
  • Sold 13 templates
  • Facilitated 15 workshops
  • Consulted with 20+ clients (many of whom were repeats, which is always ideal!)
  • Welcomed 21 referral partners
  • Expanded my email list by 159%
  • All while nursing my baby 375+ hours
  • And countless coffee chats (well, I could have counted, but I didn’t have the patience)

(Yes, revenue is omitted. This is partially because I’m a bit private with specific numbers and partially because it was way down from years past as I spent more time mom-ing than “working.” I’m happy with this choice and thankful to have even had it as an option.)

2023 and Beyond

With 4 years under my belt as a conscious and caring entrepreneur, I’m no longer a novice at running an online business. But I still have SO much to learn and accomplish. Which I think is most of the appeal.

Now, I’d love to know what you’re most proud of from 2022 and how you plan to make purposeful progress through confident, meaningful action in 2023.


|  Check out some downloadable resources to propel your purpose-driven business forward.  |


* = affiliate link